We are very happy to announce the large expansion of our Booklets available to everyone through our store. Many of these publications have not been available to the public for years, but with the upgrading of our website, anyone can purchase and download these items instantaneously! (All of these items are e-versions, meaning that when you purchase them, they are downloaded to be used on your computer or compatible device.)
We will continue to offer these items for free reading through the website on a rotational basis, but if you would rather desire to own any of them right away, our store is open to you. We have tried to keep the items as low in price as possible, and the purpose in charging for them (as well as with your generous donations) helps to keep up the website, book costs, and public outreach. For those unable to afford anything, our Teachings Page will continue to provide you with new material right on the website, with no charge, using the same Teachings available through the store.
Below you will find our updated store selection with web links and price list:
The Kolbrin: $15
The Second Book of Gwineva: $6
Introduction to Spirituality: Free
Reconciliation: $4
A Culdian’s Thoughts on The Bible: $2
A Culdian Perspective on Worship and Prayer: $3
Life & Death: $3
Reincarnation: $3
The Problem of Relationships: $4
Psychology of Group Leadership: $4
Culdian Questions & Answers: $3
Keltic Meditation (audio download w/digital artwork): $8.99 on Amazon / $11.99 on iTunes
We hope you enjoy this selection of Teaching and Learning Aids. As always, we appreciate feedback and discussion publicly of our Forums or privately through email at info@culdiantrust.org