Comparative Theology #1: The Golden Rule

I guess i can’t really speak to any of this. In my personal experience i have read some of the old testament, a good chunk of the Quran and some Sigmund Freud. It would seem in my opinion that the Kaaba is of particular interest as that would obviously be loveliest land for which all the heavenly souls to congregate there in and form their final opinion.

Sorry i forgot to mention Gilgamesh Giuseppe!! ;D

It has been some time I have been away. I am happy to be here now with a question.
Religions do share common ethics in various ways. In the Catholic view from which I was taught the commandments now seem sometimes misspoken.
The first I thought about this was with “thou shalt not kill”.
Should it not say “cherish and defend the sacred gift of life”?
Do other religions confuse this way, making defense of innocent life a sin if it requires violence?

Good to see you back, Tim!

The problem of “thou shalt not kill” is one of translation. In ancient Hebrew, this commandment would more correctly be translated to “You shall not murder.” (The New King James Version [NKJV] and English Standard Version [ESV] of the Bible, the two most accurate modern translations of the Bible, do use the word “murder” instead of “kill”.) Meaning, justifiable killing in self defense, war, or legal executions are morally permitted in Jewish and Christian doctrine.

These sorts of confusions arise when religion becomes hoary with age, or have grown too long in the tooth. Meaning becomes divorced from symbol and ritual, and eventually, becoming a hollowed out shell of it’s former self, no longer serves the purpose to which it was originally intended. Likewise, conditions in society and culture change and evolve, which require removal of some non-applicable dogma, and the addition of new instruction for more modern issues and problems.

What is required here is more enlightened modern practitioners in communion with Spirit that can correctly update and clarify ethical and spiritual subjects to modernity. Every generation needs these “prophets”, and those whom Spirit ‘calls’ needs lamps in the darkness for progression on their Journey for Direct Communication. Knowing an answer, directly perceived by a Higher Source, is preferable to academic, theological guess work that juggles the garbled translations of prophets lost to age for millennia, and cross referencing these with intellectual stabs in the dark from theological commentary often at variance with each other.

This is what Culdians attempt to accomplish in our own small way, in which ancient Teachings are clarified in the Kolbrin, modern Teachings are laid out in the Booklets and Channeled Works, and those ‘called’ for Higher, Direct Experience may be shown the way to the Source.