Key points from the first chapters of the Kailedy

When I first started reading these books, I was careful to write down and save a lot of my research. Here are some key points and questions I had regarding the Kailedy and through my process, I have answered some of them. Without taking and distracting from others’ processes, I would merely post this initial outline with questions in the hopes that others traveling the path have also come to similar conclusions. Without giving it away, I have provided a couple of biblical references. When I started researching the Kailedy, I started asking these questions. Some I have found answers to, others I have speculated on, others still ellude me. It is still a very amazing process!

The Gospel of the Kailedy, a historical critical method review.


The Great Conflageration – when hundreds of wonderful books, the lifework of diligent hands, were used to heat the fleshpots. These books did not accord with foreign beliefs? (so… a people being conquered?) Could this be the burning of the Library of Alexandria in Egypt? Or Glastonbury?

The days of battleglory

Books Referenced

Gospel of the Kailedy -
Book of the Illuminators having the authority of the Nasorines
Book of John the Enlightened of God
Book of the Nasorines
Book of the Illuminated Ones
Book of Indactrus
Book of Sayings
his book concerning John of the Wilderness
the books of the temple

Words and Phrases
Vocab – also look at egyptian, aramaic, greek, hebrew translations

Stargrit Circles of Eternity
fountains springing from the Spiritland
Wall of Black Mist
doubt – an earthly condition imposed on men for their own good
certainty and assurance – manifestly not part of this earthly state

The nature of man

That he readily meddle in things having an untoward effect on his mission in life


Circle if Darkness
Circle of Light
Circle of Glory
Earth Circle of Life
Circle of Illumination – has a mysterious region outside of it. What lies beyond the depths of darkness. Knowledge of what lies beyond the enveloping shadows must, byt the very nature of things be withheld from the multitude of men.
The Circle of Radiance – where the spirit flies on ghostly wings in a form of glory once the spirit casts off the restrictions of the body. A haven free from the sordidness of earthly struggle. Beyond earthly sight and hearing. A free world of compatable spirits. Not far distant.


The Kailedy – they brought to ‘these shores’ the diverse accounts found in the ‘Gospel of the Kailedy’
The Koferils – the brothers in ‘doiva’ of the writer of chapters 1 and 2 of ‘The Gospel of the Kailedy’
Herthew – he whose mantle fell upon Inhawk Caradew in the days of battleglory.
Inhawk Caradew – he who Herthew’s mantle descended on in the days of battleglory.
Elyid – the wise and Noble Commander of the Kailedy. Their father in faith. Came in flight from afar. Came seeking refuge beyond the confines of his persecuters’ dominion. He set his kolistone in Lanavalok
The Britons
Lewid – had a band in Branset who took ‘The Book of Indactrus’ and ‘The Book of Sayings’ at the time of the great conflageration when the other books went with the Kailedy. Referred to by the author as a ‘brother’
Jesus (Iduin) - the main character in the ‘Gospel of the Kailedy’.
The Druthin – the people of Lanavalok, claimed to have the Light of Truth.
Lanvid – A ‘brother’ of the author of this book who died. A companion of the author’s former days. A lightener of the author’s task.
John of the Wilderness
Aristolas – brought the book concerning ‘John of the Wilderness’ to ‘these shores’
Zukaris – father of John of the Wilderness, a priest at the temple, married to Elizabeth. Strong in the faith of his God. Obeyed the laws revealed to His prophets. Aged and childless.
Elizabeth – the mother of John of the Wilderness, married to Zukaris, from the stock of Aaron, her father’s name was John. Strong in the faith of her God. Obeyed the laws of His prophets. Aged and childless. Prayed to many shrines for a child. Went to the temple and gave thanks after discovering she was with child and dedicated her child to Him, according to the custom.
John of the Wilderness – son of Zukaris and Elizabeth. No midwife brought him into this world. No birthbell made for him.

About the Author
Jesus and Esures – a distinction between the two this author claims to be able to overcome. Esures = servant of light.
The crystal virgin and mystic motherhood – the author claims to be able to reconcile these two.
The clear moonfilled chalice beside the golden blood-filled cup – the author places these side-by-side.
The stargirt Circles of Eternity and the lowly cross – The author claims the ability to combine these.
The author has knowledge of
The defeated suffering son and the victorious battleinspiring fighter
God / Aweh / Dewi – the Spiritking and Father of All
Not a knowledgeable man in worldly matters
a companion / friend of Lanvid

Spirits Mentioned in the Kailedy

The Strengthening Spirit – to fill your heart
The Comforting Spirit – to have compassion on your weaknesses and to tend your woulds when you are smitten by those knowledgeable in worldly wiles.
The Guiding Spirit – to turn you away from every evil
A lightbearer – an ironhearted protector of the truth – love is the greatest light of life.
Gabriel – a fire is burnt before him in the temple in the 5th month

2 Spiritplaces to which the souls of men are drawn and both intrude into this Earth

The fount of light – if the souls are of light
The seat of darkness – if their pleasure are of the darkness

The lights of life

love is the greatest light of life
love your neighbors
rejoice in the light
life must be lived to it’s fullness and cannot be unless it is utilized to make a beneficial contribution to the lives of others.

The spawners of evil

not united with the source of light
unwelcome intruders into this Earth circle of life
the evilswarm protects itself just as the treegrub protects itself from the sunlight
they bring sickness and corruption to everything they touch


Karimba – The place where the Koferils were at when the writer of Ch 1-2 of ‘The Gospel of the Kailedy’
Branset - Where Lewid and his band were at
Lanavalok – Where Elyid sought refuge from his persecutors

“As it is Written” referenced many times in the Kailedy, also in the Bible

in the books of the temple – “Hear the voices crying out of Levi and Juda, never turning away, for from their loins shall come the chastening rod of the Highest God. He will raise up from Levi a priest above all priests, and from Juda someone greater than a king who will deliver My people.”

Questions to start asking in researching this book.

Chapters 1-2

Who wrote these chapters? Refer to pp. 416 and 425 in Kolbrin
What was the author’s intention?
By ‘what shores’ was this book brought?
Is there anything historically documented that relates to this account?

Chapter 3

Which 24 priestly families served in the temple in times of Jewish festival? How did they cast lots?
What Jewish festivals were held in the 5th month of the Hebrew Spiritual Calendar?
Who was the High Priest of Israel at the time?
How was the High Priest Chosen at the time?
What rites/ceremonies were undergone in becoming the High Priest of Israel?
What was the Jewish/Messianic significance of being a ‘daughter of Aaron’?
Who were the daughter’s of Aaron allowed to marry?
What was the significance of being a priest in the temple at the alter of incense?
Who were the temple priests allowed to marry?
What was the significance of being a priest in the line of Abijah?
Who were the Abijah priests allowed to marry?
What were the marriage customs of the Jewish in the first century?
Why would Elizabeth choose to name John after her father, John? Against the custom.
What was the Jewish custom of naming the firstborn son?
What is the significance of Zukaris being alone inside the people being outside praying when he was visited by a spirit messenger that told him his wife was with holy child?

Other describing info about this time with questions
. (Read Luke ch.1 and Zacharias, Protoevangelium of James)
it was the 5th month of the year
when the fire was burnt before Gabriel in the court within the outer walls of the temple enclosure called the Court of the Gentiles,
Zukaris was a priest at the altar of incense?
He received a prophecy about his unborn son’s spirit potential.
What was the custom of dedicating a child to Him in the temple?
How does this relate to the story of Samuel who was given back to his Father for service in the sanctuary?
What was the custom of birthbells?
What was the ceremony of the circumcision?

I thought that the persecution may have been from the roman church, keen to ‘lose’ anything that might expose the fraud of intersession.

May be left field however the clear moonfilled challice would refer to; -clear = clean or righteous;
moonfilled cup = female wise in law either as priestess or feminine spirit within,ie the right side of the
mind,receptive thought… the heart. Possibly moonfilled refers to fecundity as in the ‘the Deep’ that
God breathes upon in Creation that is also within both Him & ourselves.
The golden bloodfilled cup would represent the male side of the mind or a priest- active living thought as
we are told the life is in the blood.
This reflective of the sacred hebrew YHVH in action, or the alchemical sacred marriage of sun and moon.
These are placed side by side within everyone. And to join these in peace within brings heaven to earth.