Some observations on the Kolbrin and the Bible.

Here are some thoughts that I would like to share, feel free to chime in:

  1. When Osiris meets the Egyptian people for the first time, they lived in holes in the ground. These are supposedly one of the oldest civilizations, and yet wherever Osiris came from, they had the technology to at least make linen. This would imply a race even older and more advanced than Egypt itself.

  2. Many of these stories may be even older than speculated. They may have been passed down via word of mouth for many generations before being committed to writing. I say this because some of the disasters depicted in the Kolbrin suggest a physical change in the tilt of the Earth, continental breakup, and other things that would have had to happen much longer ago than the last ice age. This puts “modern man” of the Earth millions of years ago, instead of thousands. There is very little in the way of proof, however, there were some artifacts found in coal seams that would have had to have been laid down during the “Pangea” epic.

  3. Many of these stories have been used and corrupted by religious and political institutions from around the world. Consider the “oldest” story told in the Bible. The first story. The one about Adam and Eves expulsion. Now, dismiss the word “God” and all “Godly” rewards and punishments. What is left?

3a. How about we start with something a little simpler. In the eyes of God, what was Adam and Eves “Job”?
3b. Now lets consider something else, what would they have done for fun back then? No movies, no writing, no theater, no nothing, EXCEPT each other?

Adam and Eves “Job” was taking care of the garden. 12,000 years ago, would this had been considered important? If so, how important? At what lengths do you think they would go to impress this importance? Do you think they would use fear perhaps?

And what kind of “serpent” do you know that would distract them from this task? What sort of “play”?

Taking care of the garden over the distractions of “pleasure” was the lesson to take home. Everything else was to scare you into obeying this lesson, and any other impressed by the Bible and later the church. This lesson IMO is was started organized farming, which eventually lead to cities and us.

But remember in the beginning of this post, the oldest “civilization” was met by a man who had access to linen. It would appear that there is a pattern emerging. An advanced society finds a devastated one and “guides” it.

Who were these people? Atlantians? Aliens? Gods?

NO. They were people. Just people. Some more advanced than others, existing at the same time. None were as advanced as we are today. These people could not mitigate a regional disaster, let alone a “true” global one.

Some may feel this fetched, but consider. We live in a world today, that has the technology to send a man to the moon and beyond. And yet, a continent away (from me), in South America, are tribes in the mountains that have never seen an outside human before. What would a person 50,000 years from now think of a crude stone hatched in a straw hut village carbon dating to the EXACT same time period as a lunar module? Or a computer? Would we then be considered Gods?

So to summarize (congrats if you made it this far) It would seem that man suffers a repeatable disaster that resets history every time it strikes. We make it so far, something bad happens, survival becomes more important than tech, and advancement falters. Or, a disease strikes like chickenpox, something kids can deal with but is fatal to adults, the adults die and there is nobody to teach the kids. Everything starts over from scratch, up to and including the relearning of farming.

All of this has happened before, the question is, will we be ready this time?

Welcome to the forums fallingstar! :slight_smile:

Very much older indeed. The Kolbrin, especially, deals with times and events that historians and scientists have barely a conception of at present.

I’d like to draw your attention to the differences between the creation stories of the Bible and Kolbrin. How do you contrast the story of Adam and Eve with Auma and Atem, Fanvar and Aruah, Dadam and Maeva?

Interesting observation… :wink:

Although, to say none were as advanced as we are today is speculative. I would say that their technology was different, and their science was more advanced in certain areas, ours in others…

What makes you think the children survive while the adults perish?

I’d also comment that catastrophe in our current age is avoidable should we be wise enough, aware enough, and make the necessary adjustments. Current civilization still has the potential of reaching undreamed of advances, and this should be a goal of all thoughtful men.

However, in the event of catastrophe, there will be ‘pockets’ of enlightened men prepared to rebuild… as it once was…

I agree here with your second and third points Len.