Song of the Old Tides

If you wish to probe deeper into the ancient Maori world, this book is for you.

It’s a treasure house of history and sacred lore. While it’s an old story, it has a power that speaks clearly to our time. It takes us back to truths, kept safe for generations, that we need today. It flies above the politics of race or cause and strident words.

Using the words of the elders it says:

‘All born of this land are of this land. All who sleep beneath the mountains of this land are of this land. All who have come to this land and call it home are of this land.’

It offers everyone a place to stand. It brings into today a philosophy that once held sway in Aotearoa/New Zealand and the Pacific.

Warfare was not the Polynesian way. That tragedy only goes back to recent centuries. In the preceding 2,500 years the Polynesian peoples knew only peace, being bound by ancient ties to their wider families. They lived in harmony with the land and each other. That’s not myth that’s science, the fruit of the latest archaeology.

The author’s sensitive handing of the old philosophies and the sacred lore helps this remarkable book bridge the chasm that often separates cultures.
The Song of the Old Tides speaks to modern generations because its wisdom is timeless. The beauty of its design, the remarkable photography and the power of the words make it a work to cherish.

An excellent Book :slight_smile:

You are your own teacher

'I have sat with the elders of the Asian nations and met those who hold the wisdom of the Tao and learnt of their prophecies. They also see this age turning on a fulcrum of change. And they see a future filled with hope.

'Known world-wide for their wise and far seeing Gurus, they face a momentous shift in their lives. For their prophecies announce the end of the Age of the Guru. From this time hence, those of the Tao are to be their own teachers.

'While we may still learn much from the inspiriation and wisdom of others, we are asked to be more than followers. For this is the age of the mind set free, the way of the seeker who takes responsibility for the journey.

‘That shift runs the edges of this fire tonight. Every word I share is simply there to be lifted up, examined and put down again by your own hand. I do not try to persuade, for that is not the way, I merely offer words that you can take up or let go. And if you take them up, they should be fashioned in ways that truly make them your own. Walk your truth not mine.’

Song Of The Old Tides ~ Barry Brailsford

An extract from the book :slight_smile:

Very interesting…

I can also independently confirm the end of the Age of Gurus. This is not a good or bad thing, it just is… Although, it is not true that it has ended with Taoists or in the East, not yet anyway. It will end first (already has for the most part) in the Western Spiritual Traditions, and later in the East. When this shift really begins in the East, it will start with Taoism, then Buddhism, and lastly Hinduism, although in Hinduism, it will not die out completely but will go underground and become very rare and hardly seen.

Very good and important stuff here. If anyone would like to discuss the implications of this shift, or specifically the end of the Guru, create a new thread about that on the appropriate board.

Let me ask you Ra, where does Barry Brailsford source these ‘prophesies’ and ‘contacts’ in Asia? Places? Names? Documents? Would be most interested, as this was something that has been verified independently.

Why I think it is none other than Waitaha Len?, I am not sure of exact Places Names and contact details, but that would be a good question to put to Barry Brailsford. I have only read a few of his books, i am looking forward to reading a few more :slight_smile:

The following information is also relevant to the Maori Tradition and the, Taoism and the Sons of Reflected Light threads, and partly answer’s your question.

It is clear that most Waitaha iwi were East Polynesian through and through and were Maoriori, but into that vast weave the Whare Wananga adds two slender threads. First The Urukehu, a pale-skinned, blue-eyed fair or red haired people, who had freckles and were the descendants of Kiwa. Secondly, the Kiritea of the golden skin, black-shining hair and dark, almond-shaped eyes with a double fold in the eyelid.

The Urukehu are said to have arrived out of the west. The Kiritea are said to have an Asian connection. In that regard Waitaha assert a relationship to Tibet.

The Waitaha People – a Chinese colony that settled in New Zealand 2000 years ago.

The Waitaha nation goes back 2000 years. Two hundred tribes of the Waitaha nation settled in New Zealand and were then decimated by the warlike Maori who invaded the island some 800 years ago as an eerie precursor of the Maori massacre of the Moriori in the Chatham Islands.

There is a Maori legend that tells of the Waitaha being the descendents of Chinese porters and stone cutters.

Bary Brailsford, author of ‘Tattooed Land’, ‘Greenstone Trails’, ‘Song of Waitaha’ has said simply:
“ten years ago when I was called to write the story of Waitaha I was told by the elders that I would be challenged by Maori who did not want the story revealed, by Pakeha in the academic world who would not believe it, and by others who would wlak with their own agendas”.

“Until now we have hidden our beginnings, and all that followed, in the shadows. In this way we protected our knowledge in the silence of the Whare Wananga, the School of Learning of Waitaha.”

“For it has been decided it is time for our treasures to be brought into the light.”

“We do this for the children, and their children, and all who call this land home.”

“We are of Tane Matua, and we follow Rongo Marae Roa, the God of Peace.”

“In the wisdom and aroha (love) of those words, we say: `Let the sacred kete (basket containing sacred knowledge) be opened for the ancestors to speak again. Let the ancient karakia and waiata be heard throughout the land. Welcome to the trails of the peoples of the Nation of Waitaha. May you journey far in peace and understanding.”–-a-chinese-colony-that-settled-in-new-zealand-2000-years-ago/