The Kailedy is NOT Legitimate

I once read a book, apparently banned in the U.S, called The Copper Scroll, at least I think that’s what it was called. I’ll try to find it. Anyway, it put forward a very convincing case that Y’shua and family, deid at Massada. I’ll try and find the book for you Loraine.
Love and Light.

That’s an interesting take indeed.

Really Laraine? when did that happen? you should start a new thread about it (If you haven’t done already, I am still trying to find my way through all posts here).

Just for the record, I have come to believe in the veracity of the Kolbrin, & Kailedy.
Not so much based on any evidence, but based on the effect it is having on me, and on the true character of its adherants. It also has the ring of truth about it. Sure, there is some allegory and “midrash”, but underlying these is still truth.
Truly, sacred and holy text.