'When guys find out I’m a virgin'

Len, you're a wordsmith. I admire your ability to make your point and do it so poetically. And ive now read the Kolbrin from start to finish twice and im yet to find a book filled with more wisdom. I remember the part you posted from the Book of Creation. All very true. However, I do side with Manuel a bit in the sense that we are living in a new time where our society is experiencing a bit of a backlash from the thousands of years we have oppressed woman. While I fully support the feminist movement and the liberation of a woman's sexual self, I see the "rubber band" effect of those things playing more into the "marital mess" we are seeing today than anything else.

Len, I agree with you that there are things causing sexual problems that weren’t there before such as porn and just good ol’ over indulging in sexual partners. We have access to desires we didn’t even know we had now at the click of a mouse. As they say, “you cant go back to Playboy after you’ve seen…”, well, ill let everyone fill in that blank for themselves. :wink: But those fantasies could not be fulfilled through a medium like porn without the woman of our time consenting to be in those videos (I realize the topic is not porn but I think you get why im bringing it up in this feed). I fully understand that many are brought in against their will, but not all. Not even most by a long shot. Its actually become far to regular of a career choice in my opinion. Now, by no means am I blaming the problems of the topic at hand on woman. This topic is everyone’s responsibility. But until the backlash that I mentioned is over… until the “rubber band” snaps back and forth and back and forth until coming to a rest, things will never be like it was. I have a feeling that we are in for a very long road ahead filled with new ways and ideas of what family means to us as the human race. In my opinion, the entire future is very up in the air and uncertain.

I was just thinking the other day how bad things have gotten and the term “greatest generation” came to mind. Thinking of the 1940’s and 50’s when times were simple and things were “right”. But then I really gave that time some thought and I started to think, “back then doctors promoted cigarettes. Woman were oppressed. Blacks had to use different bathrooms. The US dropped an atomic bomb on hundreds of thousands of innocent men woman and children. Led was in paint and everything else it shouldn’t have been in. Cars had no seatbelts. Amphetamines were sold over the counter. On the flip side marijuana was schedule 1’ed with heroin …” I mean, the list goes on and on. Now, I look back and think, “greatest generation ever”!!! Sorry to everyone from that time, but what were you people thinking? lol And that was pretty much how everything had always been in the world since as far back as history goes. I mean, what has the world been thinking since the beginning of time?! Maybe its easy to sit here and say all this now, but I guess that’s just the benefit of circumstance (I rarely get any, so ill take it lol).

What im trying to say is that its been real easy to keep everything “proper” and “right” when men have so easily ruled over the woman of this earth with an iron fist. And now that we are experiencing the collapse of a foundation built on sand everyone thinks the world is doomed. I guess im starting to see it differently. I’m starting to see it as the soul of the human race correcting itself. The Phoenix metaphor comes to mind. Spiritually, we are burning this mother down to rise from the ashes later. The Masons say “Ordo ab Chao”… I say, “Chao ab Ordo”. But who knows, if im wrong, ill admit to it later. Great topic though. Much thanks Len. Love and Light.

Thanks for the kind words.

Chris, you’ve brought up a lot of interesting points here, which I’d like to address in detail, but will have to answer in more brevity than I’d prefer do to time and space considerations. Points will be quoted below, then answered in a different order than you wrote them.

I'm starting to see it as the soul of the human race correcting itself. The Phoenix metaphor comes to mind. Spiritually, we are burning this mother down to rise from the ashes later. The Masons say "Ordo ab Chao"... I say, "Chao ab Ordo".

The legend of the Phoenix is an apt one. I will say that neither you nor the Masons are incorrect. It is a cycle. The orders of life, society, and all of nature follow a cyclic pattern arising from chaos into order or stability. Nature tends towards higher, more diversified, and complex forms and patterns using untamed matter and energy as her clay. We do the same in our societies, sciences, technology, philosophy, art, etc. Beginning with a cold, hungry, frightened, and ignorant savage, and growing into a master of his environment… flying around the world in the matter of hours, and being able to reshape the genetic code of life itself!

But when systems of stability stop building, stop growing, or remain stagnant, they break down. They rot from within do to an inability or unwillingness to grow or evolve beyond a certain point. Sometimes this has to do with a flaw in the pattern of the system itself, that only becomes apparent and self-destructive after it has grown large enough to cause damage. To illustrate, a tiny crack in the foundation of a structure may not be noticeable when it is first laid down. It may not even be noticeable after several layers are added onto it. But eventually, time, or further building upon a structure with a small flaw at its base will begin to widen and make more noticeable that initial small flaw. At this point, the faulty area in the foundation needs to be rebuilt or repaired. Sometimes it cannot be repaired, and a new structure must be built from scratch.

But here the problem of inertia arises. The system becomes ‘comfortable’ with itself. It keeps adding more weight onto the flaw, or stops building altogether until time brings the flaw to a breaking point within the entire structure itself. At this point, stability becomes, once again, chaos…

Now, mankind has a wildcard in this mix. Mankind has the ability to consciously alter, extend, and rebuild cycles in a manner no other self-contained system on Earth does. A fault in the Earth’s crust cannot repair itself. A tree uprooted and placed in an unaccustomed environment cannot suddenly make itself accustomed, nor can wolves suddenly live off of grass once the deer are gone. Nature herself may slowly evolve the species as a whole for these changes, but the plant, animal and mineral cannot do this for themselves. Humans can. We can change our environment, change ourselves, physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually in a conscious manner and a power with which nothing else except the goddess of nature herself contains. Thus, we ourselves are little ‘gods’, or if you prefer, made in the image of God.

While not (at this point) having absolute power to completely remold ourselves and environment, we do have a tremendous latitude in which to work and reshape. In science, many spurious systems of the past have been discarded for more effective replacements. Or, likewise in science, formerly seemingly incompatible systems begin to learn to integrate to form a vaster, more comprehensive system (such as reconciling Newtonian physics with quantum physics). This also occurs in religion and political systems. (See the ending of slavery and the feudal system, or the Protestant Reformation, Christianity from Judaism, or the syncretism of the old Culdees merging Druidism with Christianity.).

Left to themselves, any of these systems would return to chaos. This pressure of inertia is a constant force operating on mankind and everything he does. Sometimes a entire society or civilization needs to be scrapped and rebuilt. Most often though, there are only certain elements within the society that need be repaired or rebuilt. And remember, our species, having the power of the ‘little god’, can peacefully and smoothly repair or replace anything from a simple school of science to an entire civilization. Giving into inertia, however, is also our choice, which renounces our divine birthright, and allows Nature to do violently what we can do intelligently and peacefully.

All can be accomplished… and chaos and disaster much more frightening that what we presently face has been overcome by the adaptive and divine nature of man. This is why I see so much hope for us, even now, in the midst of such threats facing us; because there are answers, and because mankind has the ability to implement them. We have done so in the past, and shall do so again (even if we choose not to in our current Age).

Thus, as you write, “The Masons say “Ordo ab Chao”… I say, “Chao ab Ordo”.” Both forces, or philosophies, are correct. But the former chooses to adapt, change, rebuild, evolve, and generally claim his divine birthright… the latter stagnates to the pressure of inertia and renounces his divine birthright. Sometimes a bit of a conscious mixture is required… :wink:

This is the eternal war within this dimension, the duality of good and evil, light and dark, stability and chaos, push and pull, yang and yin. And we have the ability to manipulate these forces in whatever given alchemy we desire, or allow them to manipulate us…

I do side with Manuel a bit in the sense that we are living in a new time where our society is experiencing a bit of a backlash from the thousands of years we have oppressed woman.

Unfortunately, the ‘backlash’ of the feminist movement and ‘free love’ has done more harm to women than men (For one small example, women overall are more predisposed physically and psychologically to long term monogamous relationships then men. Allowing casual sex, and wanting to take on roles generally better suited to men has damaged her own instinct and happiness, corrupted her natural femininity, and left her alone and barren… while to men, she is nothing more than a notch on his belt. Thus has woman worked against her own interests, a being no longer to be protected, loved and adored, but used and discarded like yesterday’s trash.), and greatly damaged the culture overall. What the feminists did not understand was that ‘equality’ (in the sense of equal rights) is not the same as uniformity. Men and women, while they should have the freedom to make decisions on an equal basis, are not the same. Girls develop differently from boys. Instincts, thought patterns, emotions, intuitiveness, physical attributes, social interaction, and on and on, are very different. In attempting to build an asexual world, with gender roles removed and casual sex condoned, creates a very confused and damaged individual. Examples abound in this, and create all manner of disease and perversion, but space and time requires me to move on for now. Perhaps later I shall further elaborate.

To summarize, equality yes, uniformity no. Gwineva much to say on this, highly recommended!

We have access to desires we didn't even know we had now at the click of a mouse. As they say, "you cant go back to Playboy after you've seen....", well, ill let everyone fill in that blank for themselves. But those fantasies could not be fulfilled through a medium like porn without the woman of our time consenting to be in those videos

Perversions like sodomy (in heterosexuals), sadomasochism, bestiality, pederasty, and general pedophilia can be exacerbated and emboldened by pornography, but they were not created or discovered by this industry. These perversions are caused by character defects springing from lack of healthy, balanced, loving relationships as well as bad parenting in childhood. These are not natural desires coming from a well-integrated individual, but subconscious expressions of pain, loneliness, anger, and regret in the form of perverted sexual desire. Sex is the physical expression of love and union. Subtract love, and sex finds nothing equal to compliment it. So instead, the sexual act pairs with the worst and lowest drives. It pairs with sickness, and still not satisfied, it demands often greater and greater heights of depravity, thus becoming a drug, and the pervert needs more extreme experiences to get his fix.

I was just thinking the other day how bad things have gotten and the term "greatest generation" came to mind….

A lot of your criticism of the mid-20th century generation is not without merit. But I’d like you to consider the feminist reaction to this, and what I wrote about that above. This ‘rubber band’ effect is like an unthinking lashing out, that throws the baby out with the bathwater. I think it is clear that there were positives and negatives to that generation, as there are also positives and negatives in our own. The answer is not at all to ‘return to the 50’s’, or even return to the days of the ancient Keltic culture, or even Atlantis. The answer is to first become aware of the causes of our problems, and once aware, repair or rebuild faults lying within the smaller ‘systems’ of action and philosophies within the larger system of society.

I have every confidence we can do this, and it will be done, as imbalances are not sustainable and ripe for destruction or transformation. It is, again, just a matter of how it will be done… consciously, willingly, and peacefully, or unconsciously and violently. It will happen either way, but if the path of inertia is chosen, the outcome may not be what we expect or desire.