I came across this while looking at something completely not associated with the writings. It is an interview on Coast to Coast (published on 27/11/2012) with Kimball and the announcer concerning the origins of the Kolbrin Bible. It very briefly mentions a similar book [that came out just prior to] Kimball’s version - by Kimball himself. However, he goes on at some length, before and after the above, to state there are so many different Kolbrin versions out there.
Had a chance to listen to this this morning. He says there are different copies and versions of the Kolbrin all over the world. He offers no names of these books. Wonder if they’re all called The Kolbrin? I would imagine they are. Has anyone read Kimballs version? If so how does it, or does it differ at all from the version we know?
He made an interesting comment about a sword being found in Philadelphia PA with an inscription on the blade of a pre-Hebrew, (sometimes called old Hebrew), language called “Mangan”. Not certain if I heard that right. He said something about a picture of a sword on the cover of Adrian Gilberts book. So the only book I can find by Gilbert with a sword on the cover is “The Holy Kingdom”, and I believe the sword is suppose to depict King Arthur’s sword. Maybe not, but the book is about King Aurthur. The “Mangan” lettering on the sword found in Philadelphia reads, “Kolbrin”. ok soo…
I can’t find any reference to sword being found in Philly with any writing on it at all. Has anyone heard of this sword?
Waiting now for Adrian Gilberts book, “The Holy Kingdom to arrive. I’ll check out that mention of the Sword found in PA, and maybe there might be something good in there to help the Arthur” seekers. One never knows. It was mentioned again in another book I’m reading, “The Woman With The Alabaster Jar”, by Margaret Starbird. So now I’m hunting swords? I wonder why my path takes so many twists and turns sometimes. But I go with the flow, and learn a great deal. It’s all good.