Are Soulmates Really Necessary?

Ok, I've read what is available online from Gwineva. A few sections more than once. So many here have said that I should read it. I would think the reason for that would be that it would help me to understand certain things.

Apart from “The Fall” section, and one other, my final concern is we will keep coming back to earth until we find a “Soulmate”. Does anyone else have feelings about this? I’ll tell ya, that took me by surprise. Anyone else have feelings on that subject?

I don't believe obtaining a soul mate is a requirement for upper advancement. Sounds more like the "Great Hermaphrodite." In alchemy, godhood could not be reached until the initiate struck the balance between the masculine and the feminine natures within himself.

The symbol deals with “Hierosgamos“, or the union of opposites. On a very base level you could interpret the Great Hermaphrodite as a western equivalent to the Ying-Yang symbol of the oriental traditions; but the rabbit hole continues deeper. The alchemists, in their quest for philosophical gold, considered the world to be influenced and manipulated by a multitude of paired forces: wet and dry, cold and hot, sun and moon, male and female, proton and neutron, etc. When these opposing forces are harmonized and balanced through synthesis, creation is commenced. The Great Hermaphrodite is an amalgam of this union.

kind of like my androgynous being I gave as an example one time, and then David Bowie came up. ;) As of right now I don't think soul-mate is the answer, but using both sides of your brain in decision making may be.
The hermaphrodite, both male and female, represents the union of opposites, an important idea in Jung's theory. In some religious art, Jesus is presented as a rather feminine man. Likewise, in China, the character Kuan Yin began as a male saint (the bodhisattva Avalokiteshwara), but was portrayed in such a feminine manner that he is more often thought of as the female goddess of compassion.
good link

Kathie Carlson, a Jungian psychotherapist, teacher, author is now on staff at the Wellness Center where I live. I’m sure I can find a reason for a visit…been trying to come up with one. hmmm…ya think it would be a great adventure? I do, just have to get up the courage to go. She studied at the C.G. Jung Institute in NYC, and practiced 30 years in NY, and Conn. I’ve saved the article from our local newspaper for weeks. hmmm.

A Soulmate may or may not be necessary in your present incarnation, but it is a necessity eventually. Very, very few people in this era have found their Soulmate, and if they have, most likely have been unable to last in this relationship due to the personal challenges confronted within these potentialities of Greatest Loves. It is no wonder that with all the superficial relationships and broken marriages, that the concept of Great Love between two Soulmates is seen as something unnecessary.

Humans are not on Earth to advance in a vacuum or cave, but with one another socially and in the bonds of Great Love. This is one of the Greatest Lessons Earth has to offer. It requires no esoteric sight to see this fact, just common sense…

Most likely, many of you reading this do not KNOW your Soulmate, but in your heart you know the potential of one, you know he or she is there, and you see it in the Great Poetry of History, the Great Romances. The Lessons to be learned here do not come from making oneself a spiritual hermaphrodite, they come from learning to step outside oneself and loving the other completely until a kind of merger takes place. On Earth, this particular process does not/cannot take place by oneself and it has nothing whatsoever to do with Jung’s concept of “Shadow”.

Please see these definitions of Soulmate and Twinsouls below to help better understand these concepts if this is something you feel you are ready to learn in this life.



35000 couples out of 700,000,000 people on this planet. I don't like them odds.

I think you missed a couple zeros… :o

If you believe this is the only life, it would be understandable to doubt the necessity of Soulmates for all. But what is the ratio of those having spiritual experiences, or those believing in God, or those on the Soulpath? Are these things too, also equally unnecessary, unreal, and not meant for all?

No, it only means the Souls that haven’t experienced those things yet have not gotten to the point in their personal Journeys where they are ready for those experiences. We are all on personal journeys here, and the time to experience different tests and realities comes differently to each of us when we are ready for them.

God manifests as a clear reality in one’s life as different people are prepared for it, and so does a Soulmate. You may or may not be looking for God or your Soulmate in this incarnation, but this is no argument that neither exists for all.

Give it time, when you are ready, the conditions will manifest of themselves, in this life, or another…

“One of the great mysteries, which cannot be explained here, is that originally the two were one.”-from Culdian definition.

Plato In his dialogue The Symposium, Plato has Aristophanes present a story about soul mates. Aristophanes states that humans originally had four arms, four legs, and a single head made of two faces. He continues that there were three genders: man, woman and the "Androgynous". Each with two sets of genitalia with the Androgynous having both male and female genitalia. The men were children of the sun, the women were children of the earth and the Androgynous were children of the moon, which was born of the sun and earth. It is said that humans had great strength at the time and threatened to conquer the gods. The gods were then faced with the prospect of destroying the humans with lightning as they had done with the Titans but then they would lose the tributes given to the gods by humans. Zeus developed a creative solution by splitting humans in half as punishment for humanity's pride and doubling the number of humans who would give tribute to the gods. These split humans were in utter misery to the point where they would not eat and would perish so Apollo had sewn them up and reconstituted their bodies with the navel being the only remnant harkening back to their original form. Each human would then only have one set of genitalia and would forever long for his/her other half; the other half of his/her soul. It is said that when the two find each other, there is an unspoken understanding of one another, that they feel unified and would lay with each other in unity and would know no greater joy than that.[2]

According to Theosophy, whose claims were modified by Edgar Cayce, God created androgynous souls—equally male and female. Later theories postulate that the souls split into separate genders, perhaps because they incurred karma while playing around on the Earth, or “separation from God.” Over a number of reincarnations, each half seeks the other. When all karmic debt is purged, the two will fuse back together and return to the ultimate.

Hopefully you can see why I’ve used the term, “androgynous” before. The theory I was researching at one time had to do with an androgynous soul spirit being both male and female, (no body), entering into the physical forms of male and female on earth and becoming trapped in the physical form through an addiction to sensating sexual physical pleasure. Indeed the two were one if we use the Culdian definition of Soulmates.

A goal to reunite these two original souls into one again? Even if it was many, as in group decision, group fall, we can now multiply that by thousands of years, and thousands of split souls. What if it’s much simpler?


A “soul mate” is really nothing more than a soul or souls (and there may be several of them) with whom we have closely shared so many lifetimes that we now resonate to the same pitch, so to speak. We understand each other like no one else could hope to understand us. This acquired understanding gives soul mates the capacity to help each other in ways that would be difficult without the deep bonding that has occurred through the ages.

Soul mates often help each other reach their highest potential, and though this is not automatic and each will still have to apply themselves to making the present relationship the best it can be, their deep inner-knowing of each other gives them a distinct advantage. However, being soul mates doesn’t automatically mean that they see eye-to-eye on everything. In fact, they are usually more like complements one to another than duplicates of each other, each one bringing to the relationship something the other is missing, thereby rounding-out the relationship and giving each of them more than they would have separately.

When soul mates are together, they form a dynamic bond and provide a source of strength for one another that is very hard to find in our world. They may presently be in either sex and interact with each other in any number of relationships. There is a strong tendency to think of soul mates only in the sense of lovers and marriage mates, but they can also be partners, parents, siblings, teammates, friends, etc. Having been lovers and mates in many past lives, it would be very hard for them to avoid at least a romantic interlude in the present life - there would simply be too much magnetism for them to easily ignore each other and the physical attraction. If, on the other hand, they had been close friends or family members throughout their incarnations, they would be inclined toward a similar relationship in the present. The point is, a soul mate is not always a sexual mate.

Another important point about soul mates is that the true mate of every soul is its Original Companion, the Creator, who gave each soul life for the very purpose of being eternal companions with Him. As far as the sexual dynamics of soul mating, it’s important to keep in mind that in the heavenly home we (our souls) “neither marry nor are given in marriage.” As souls, we are actually siblings in the Universal Family. Therefore, even though soul mates may give each other the support that is needed and deserved in this difficult world - which may include healthy, intimate, sexual companionship - they are ultimately brothers and sisters in the spiritual realms.

Yes, Diane, I understood why you’ve used the term ‘androgynous’ in the past. The reason I did not comment on that at the time (other than my cheeky joke about David Bowie) was that understanding androgynous entities and principalities will tend to confuse, and be rather dangerous for, most people who are aspiring to understand and work through present Earthly goals. These misunderstandings can have the effect of people distorting and mutilating their personalities, which is why caution is taken to explain certain concepts. It is also why many things are hidden from us in general (both in allegorical texts and by the nature of Life in general). Even when things are explained clearly, the full answer and perspective can never be given but expands over time…

From my experience, the Platonic and Theosophical explanation is closer to the Truth than Cayce’s in regards to Soulmates, although it is very true that your Soulmate may be, in this life, your mother, brother, son, or aunt. In these cases, you and they are not ready to be lovers or life partners, and other aspects of the relationship and individual dynamics must be advanced or gone through before the lover stage is reached; for it is only at the lover/life partner stage that the highest form of Love can be reached, and the point where a true, lasting reunion can occur.

Good discussion… :slight_smile:

Sorry for the delayed response. You had me going with the escape into naivety on the androgynous subject Len. I thought either that you had no idea at all what I was talking about, or that you were avoiding the topic. I see now, but that doesn’t mean I understand the motives. I feel that a series of small shocks to those who’re asleep can awaken great potential. The information may not be accepted right away, but a seed planted in good soil can take root.

The hidden aspects of text and nature of life are there for those who seek. I can go back now and read things I didn’t understand before and understand the meanings. Things I’ve looked at everyday of my life, I can now see them for what they are, so yes indeed, answers and perspective expand over time.

The dangerous aspects that you speak of from my experience are of ones own doing. I’ve experienced things that I’m not quite ready for, and quite honestly the world isn’t ready for with our current perspective of space and time. I had to bring back a balance between the amount of new information I could discern at one time, the foundation I’ve already built within me, and current reality we have to conform to on this level. Not as spooky as it sounds. I’ll expand on that sometime in the future. And it had nothing to do with repelling mosquitoes, although if I could find a way to repel 2 golden retrievers while I’m trying to type, I might seek your advise. :wink:

Let’s look again at Plato

Aristophanes talked about it in Plato's "Symposium." Here's part of that section:

“In the first place, let me treat of the nature of man and what has happened to it; for the original human nature was not like the present, but different. The sexes were not two as they are now, but originally three in number; there was man, woman, and the union of the two, having a name corresponding to this double nature, which had once a real existence, but is now lost, and the word “Androgynous” is only preserved as a term of reproach. In the second place, the primeval man was round, his back and sides forming a circle; and he had four hands and four feet, one head with two faces, looking opposite ways, set on a round neck and precisely alike; also four ears, two privy members, and the remainder to correspond. He could walk upright as men now do, backwards or forwards as he pleased, and he could also roll over and over at a great pace, turning on his four hands and four feet, eight in all, like tumblers going over and over with their legs in the air; this was when he wanted to run fast. Now the sexes were three, and such as I have described them; because the sun, moon, and earth are three;-and the man was originally the child of the sun, the woman of the earth, and the man-woman of the moon, which is made up of sun and earth, and they were all round and moved round and round: like their parents. Terrible was their might and strength, and the thoughts of their hearts were great, and they made an attack upon the gods . . . .”

“At last, after a good deal of reflection, Zeus discovered a way. He said: “Methinks I have a plan which will humble their pride and improve their manners; men shall continue to exist, but I will cut them in two and then they will be diminished in strength and increased in numbers; this will have the advantage of making them more profitable to us. They shall walk upright on two legs, and if they continue insolent and will not be quiet, I will split them again and they shall hop about on a single leg.” He spoke and cut men in two… […] After the division the two parts of man, each desiring his other half, came together, and throwing their arms about one another, entwined in mutual embraces, longing to grow into one, they were on the point of dying from hunger and self-neglect, because they did not like to do anything apart; and when one of the halves died and the other survived, the survivor sought another mate, man or woman as we call them, being the sections of entire men or women, and clung to that. […]”

“Each of us when separated, having one side only, like a flat fish, is but the indenture of a man, and he is always looking for his other half. […]”

Which part of that resonates with your experience and knowledge and what part doesn’t?

After the division the two parts of man, each desiring his other half, came together, and throwing their arms about one another, entwined in mutual embraces, longing to grow into one, they were on the point of dying from hunger and self-neglect, because they did not like to do anything apart; and when one of the halves died and the other survived, the survivor sought another mate, man or woman as we call them, being the sections of entire men or women, and clung to that.

Maybe I’m seeing what I want to see, but to me it appears that if the original “other half” wasn’t available…they sought and clung to another. I think I’m seeing the division of man and woman, not a particular being being divided looking specifically for the “original” other half that may or may not be within reach any longer. I’ll leave the 4 arms and legs out of this for now. I have to rest soon, and that might be further than my mind can go tonight.

Don’t worry about the delayed response, life has many other obligations. So I hope you understand as well if I don’t always respond in the most timely manner…

I’m sure you will come to understand my motives over time. Yes, I know all about ‘small shocks’. It can get people like me in trouble sometimes if you haven’t noticed. :wink: It requires balance, and what is a small shock for some may be an electrocution for another, while yet another takes it as a matter of course, something obvious. And sometimes seeds planted may take time to take root.

Those that plant, however, have an added responsibility that compounds in difficulty and requires more subtlety when working with many in a public setting.

The dangerous aspects that you speak of from my experience are of ones own doing. I've experienced things that I'm not quite ready for, and quite honestly the world isn't ready for with our current perspective of space and time. I had to bring back a balance between the amount of new information I could discern at one time, the foundation I've already built within me, and current reality we have to conform to on this level. Not as spooky as it sounds. I'll expand on that sometime in the future. And it had nothing to do with repelling mosquitoes, although if I could find a way to repel 2 golden retrievers while I'm trying to type, I might seek your advise. ;)

Again, while ultimate responsibility falls on each of us individually, an added responsibility falls on those who assume knowledge and power.

“But the one who does not know and does things deserving punishment will be beaten with few blows. From everyone who has been given much, much will be demanded; and from the one who has been entrusted with much, much more will be asked.” – Luke 12:48

As to the dogs, I wouldn’t try what I did with the mosquitoes on them. :wink: Although certain metaphysical connections may help here… all that’s really required is a proper balance of love and discipline. And what a wonderful, sweet breed! Fits your personality to a tee!

Which part of that resonates with your experience and knowledge and what part doesn't?

That entire section resonates with me, although you will have to excuse me not deciphering it at the present time. And anyway, it will mean much more to you when you do it correctly for yourself. But I will say that the “androgynous” entity described here refers to a spiritual state of being very far removed from what is possible in Earthly existence. Even several higher orders of existence (grades of spiritual beings more advanced than humans) do not yet fully ‘merge’ with their other half. On Earth, we are only given the opportunity to find this other half, and barely begin the process… the finalization of which need not be too much of a worry at present, or even for several stages beyond…

Maybe I'm seeing what I want to see, but to me it appears that if the original "other half" wasn't available...they sought and clung to another. I think I'm seeing the division of man and woman, not a particular being being divided looking specifically for the "original" other half that may or may not be within reach any longer.

There is nothing wrong with seeking and clinging to another if one’s Soulmate can’t presently be found. All this means is that it is not yet time for the reunion to occur. Other things must be learned and grasped before one finds their Soulmate, especially in the area of relationships at the lover/life partner level. When one finds, and gets into an intimate relationship with their Soulmate, it is the most profound, most blissful, most challenging, most painful relationship imaginable. In the initial stages of meeting, this relationship usually does not last due to the immaturity and inexperience of the Soulmates in question. So, instead, we are often given the opportunity of less challenging intimate relationships to refine ourselves and our partners. What is most important here is that people learn to develop love, loyalty, commitment, communication, respect, understanding, obedience, honesty and all the other necessary virtues required for a lasting, intimate relationship. Don’t worry about whether or not the person you’ve chosen is your true other half… what is important is that you love him or her with all your heart, and they you, and that the family made with them is a happy, healthy one. The rest comes with time and experience.

Reminds me of an old Stephen Stills song…

Love The One Your With by Stephen Stills Lyrics

If puppy dog souls can reincarnate to our level, then my Abby is on the top step of the staircase in the doggy world. She loves to have both paws on my lap and watch what I’m typing. You would think she’s reading it. She takes me for walks. Not that she pulls me, but she has to hold the leash in her mouth, and she struts along walking with me, (rather than looking back at me), making certain that we keep in step. Very keen senses too. Quite the character. She makes me laugh everyday. Chet is more like a big ole lion, sleeps, eats, plays with ball, repeat. I adopted them from a friend who was going through a tough time. Just wish for them that I was a few years younger, and had more time to play.

Remember the story about the girl, the swimming pool and the bullies? She had the option of going back or not going back. The option had always been within her. She chose to go back. It wasn’t like she had to go back because she hadn’t found or Soulmate yet. Or do we presume she had already found her Soulmate and she was just using her option of learning more lessons in the material world, or by being of assistance here?

What I’m getting at here is that maybe all the talk of finding your actual true other half, (Soulmate), would become necessary when you’ve reached a very high level if you’re to become in union with the one. Maybe you don’t “have to” keep coming back to the material world in a never ending search for him/her. But eventually that would be the goal. Maybe the Soulmate could even be found at another level.

We’ve talked before about how how life here is a series of lessons, and by being here it’s possible, (if one is awake), to progress through these lessons at a faster rate than if they weren’t here. Makes me think it’s an option always to return here or not. You could progress at a slower rate at another density, level or dimension.

obedience? ““What you talkin’ 'bout, Willis?” … or … “Lucy, you got some explaining to do!" Who exactly are we suppose to be obedient to in a 'loving", “loyal”, relationship? You knew that would get me going. :slight_smile: Now as long as your using the term “obedience” in a loving way…like a husband forbidding a wife to walk to the store after dark, or forbidding a child from playing in the street, or a wife forbidding a husband to going to the booby bar after work, and driving home all high on himself and drunk, then we’re on the same page. But if you’re thinking you can sit in your big cushy Lazy Boy Recliner and order up a few Pepsi’s from the fridge, have them hand delivered by the slave girl, and if she doesn’t do it withhold something from her as punishment, or worse, well then we have a problem.

Same goes with sex. You can’t be a jerk, and then expect her to obey you when you decide you require it. I know a lot of men who think if they take a wife out to dinner once a week, after being absent emotionally from her during that time, and think it’s then her duty to lay with him because he did his duty and treated his wife to a nice meal. That kind of thinking puts women right at the same level as a whore. The man stands there dumbfounded because the wife rejected his advances after they returned home. “But I did everything right :o ?” sheesh Do you listen to her? Or is it all about you? I’ll even bet the restaurant served his favorite foods, and not hers. rofl

Marriage and relationships are work. Emotional work. You might have to deny yourself certain things, just like by leading a life geared towards spirituality. There are sacrifices. But it’s all for a reason, and the reason is that’s just the law. Break the law, and your life will begin to fall apart, just like a marriage. Takes a while to get that part, especially for some sparky independent types, and those who are self centered. But go ahead and test it. Break the rules and see what happens. Think the rules only apply to the other person, test it, and see what happens. Not really recommending that, just think about it, and then fast forward to the end results. Never think your some kind of exception to the laws of life. Never think you won’t fall. It’s a matter of when you will, not a matter of if you will.

Obey only works when it’s mutual. Probably one of the reasons the term was removed was because it was abused by some fools who took advantage of it, or they didn’t understand that it has to be mutual for it to work at all.

So what does a wife get in exchange for “obey”. She gets cherished which includes ‘protection’. A husband is not obligated to protect a rebellious wife, and a wife is not obligated to obey a ‘wife beater’, or a self centered fool. I crack myself up sometimes. I really just live by the laws these days, and seldom do I get to put the feelings into words. Some things do come from experience, those lessons can be painful, but necessary. I treasure “Respect” above most of the rules. If you have that for the other person, the rest can usually fall into place. Lose that, and it crumbles.

Yes, I certainly do remember the girl in the swimming pool. I still know her. After all these years later she complains of not ever wanting to return to Earth. She claims to hope to never want to come back, and is angry at herself for making the choice to come back at the bottom of that swimming pool. And for all her angry denials, I can assure you and her with 100% certainty she will be back by her own choice.

So, when Gwineva says you “have to” come back until you find your Soulmate, it is not that you are forced, it is that eventually you get to the point that the longing for your other half becomes so great, and particular Lessons available to each of you together can only be learned at this frequency of existence, that your unclouded soul demands with an even greater urgency to return to find this Soulmate and experience finally what was missing so long in a place (here) that will be more forgiving of errors and initial failed first Lessons.

Now, what makes you think you can fully unite in total with the Absolute Spirit if you cannot reunite, let alone find, your own other half? Clearly one must proceed the other, and going by pure logic alone, how would it be conceivable to transcend to the Greater before you are able to complete and transcend the Lesser? One does not fully reunite with God half formed, or half whole. And again, this is by our choice… and so was the initial separation and division, but this is another Mystery, a topic for another day.

On obedience, small shocks really do work, eh? I thought that one would get your blood going. :wink:

There is nothing much really to add what you said, however. Obedience, just like every other relationship virtue on my list, MUST be mutual. If every other virtue is followed by both parties, the question of obedience is an obvious one. Always, in a loving, respectful, balanced, selfless relationship, demands made from one party to the other are for the other’s greatest benefit and for the couple’s benefit. Healthy obedience is NEVER demanded for the purpose of one’s loss to another’s gain, or from the vantage of a master to a slave. The master to the slave couple is an abortion of a relationship, and lacking the other virtues mentioned, most importantly love and respect. It is imbalanced at this point, and many other things must be learned and corrected before obedience is considered. Yet, the healthiest relationship is not fully complete without the positive, balanced acceptance of obedience to your partner. And yes, you get here by ‘obeying’ the ‘laws’. We get ourselves in trouble otherwise, don’t we? The fact that even the positive conception of obedience is so foreign to our modern minds that it has been removed from most MUTUAL marriage vows only further goes to show how depraved and self centered we all have become, and this includes men and women both!

(By the way, loved your rant on the importance of work and sacrifices required in relationships! :wink: )

To conclude this post, I shall quote a part of Gwineva you haven’t read yet on Soulmates, followed by a true story from Rowena on the same subject:

“I have told you how rare is the experience of love, that is love as it should be – true love.
Therefore, as true love must come before the finding of a Soulmate, calculate the chances.
Precious jewels are rarities indeed, yet they are there for the finding. Generally speaking, a
Soulmate is not found in a single incarnation, it is discovered in its potential in a preceding one.
The seed is sown in one round and blossoms in the next. It is not remembrance which draws
them together in maturing incarnations but affinity, an affinity in which memories are ensouled.
Soulmates with adequate development will recall the past, for their very consciousnesses unite
and, in combination, overcome the individual vibratory barriers. The twain together is greater than the sum of their two parts.” …

“Did I dumbfound you when I stated that no one was in love when they married? If I did, then it
is unlikely that you have any conception of what I mean by ‘love’. I do not necessarily mean
matured love, for this might convey something less than what I had intended. I mean love with
all its ecstasies and tenderness, its delights and thrills, but accentuated tenfold – that is true love.
If you believed it to be something akin to what you experienced during your honeymoon, you
are well underestimating it, but so do the great overwhelming majority. This is going to be one
of your big problems – you are talking about something so very few people know anything
about. It is something most can hardly conceive.

Perhaps I am wrong to state no one is in love when they marry, but the exception is very rare
indeed. It is when two Soulmates meet, then and then only do true love and marriage walk
together. The nuptial tie is then truly the mating of twin Spirits. Those destined for this
experience manifest it from their earliest childhood. They are not too hard to single out from
others by a discerning eye.

Now, I am not going to suggest here that there should be any form of control over marriages and
free marriage mate selection, though in the present state of your society that might not be
altogether a bad thing. I do, however, suggest that pre-marriage education should be promoted.
Surely if this book serves no other purpose than to provide guidance to those contemplating
marriage, it will have served well but, of course it is much more than that.

Hasty marriages are never right, for marriage is a very serious business. There should be a
moderately long engagement period wherein mutual respect and understanding develop. It
should be a period of self discipline, of expressed concern for the other and of awakening
tenderness and consideration. If these and other qualities are not awakened prior to marriage,
they will not be afterwards. It is to be stressed that unless love buds before the sex experience,
it will never bloom. Sex can express love, but it can never awaken it. This is one prime cause
for the devaluation of love; the clock is going backwards, it was better expressed and manifested in your society a century ago.”

— Above quotes from Gwineva

“The second example is that of a woman born into a good family of modest means. She was plain and homely, but pleasant and cheerful in nature. She married at an early age and had two children. After four years of marriage her father died and her mother came to live with her daughter’s family. The woman’s husband went to war and was killed, and so she was left to survive on a meagre pension and her own resources. There were many widows then, the competition was strong, and the woman was toilworn and harassed with the problems of everyday living. Yet she maintained a good home and her children were always clean and tidy, they were certainly by no means neglected. However, although she gave every indication of being a good marriage mate, she lacked physical attractions and sex appeal.She had propositions which fell short of marriage, but was disinclined to cheapen herself and give a wrong example to her children. So she struggled on with only her daydreams to lighten her burden.

She dreamed of being beautiful, of having nice clothes instead of the rather shapeless second-hand ones she now wore. She day-dreamed of romance, of a handsome lover and of servants and luxuries. She built castles in the air, always in romantic settings. In her spare moments she read romantic novels. Her children grew up to be good citizens with happy, stable homes and social status. She lived to a ripe old age, but during the later years of her life suffered disfigurement of rheumatoid arthritis. Nevertheless, she remained always cheerful, always ready to talk through another’s problems and set a shining example of courage under affliction.

She died and was duly reincarnated. She was not born into an affluent family, but one in the respectable middle class, comfortably off. Even at an early age she showed the promise of the future, she was beautiful. She grew up, an exquisite creature with charm, poise and grace. She became one of Australia’s top models. During her school days she had a special playmate, a boy who lived in the same street and who, as they grew into maturity, absolutely adored her. Despite their long and close association he never treated her other-wise than with the greatest respect and delicacy. He was always gentle and considerate. He had several fights with others who spoke of her in a crude context. One tried to sexually assault her, she had undoubted sex appeal, and her devoted admirer beat him up. Subsequently, her champion was ‘done over’ by a gang and it was at this time that she took the first steps in her career. When the young man came out of hospital, she was no longer around.

Her sexual attractiveness drew men to her like flies around a honey pot, but she did not succumb to the blandishments. Deep within her subconscious, she felt that she was destined for something greater. She intuitively knew that somewhere there was someone who was destined to be the great love of her life. She was one of fortune’s favourites, a child of destiny, and fortune did smile on her.

The males a model is likely to meet are men of the world and the circles in which she moves are not conducive to the fostering of family and romantic values. Yet, as her values became known, even some of the most uninhibited men began to look at her with more serious intent. Her image was even more enhanced by her circumspection. Like with all things, her unattainability increased her desirability.

The tide of events had carried the model and her youthful flame in different directions and it was sometime before they met again, and then by chance. She was glamourous, beautiful and perfectly escort. He was disfigured by a broken nose and a badly scarred face from the bashings of a boot. They met, but both were embarrassed and uncomfortable being in a public place, conditions were not conducive to intimate talk, and they were inhibited by their private thoughts and inner reactions. There was the attraction of affinity and the repulsion of the difference of status. The gulf was great but not unspannable, the chips of fate could have fallen either way. They were soulmates, ideally matched for each other’s fulfilment, but though each felt the heart-rending tug of affinitive attraction, both drew back for their own not altogether selfish reasons. The kharmic crisis point was passed, fate recorded a decisive adjustment on the scales of life, what should have been would not be. The accounts would have to be balanced.

Scarcely recognising any change, nevertheless the model was aware that she thought differently. No longer did she have the feeling that somewhere there was just the right man for her. She felt less romantic, less idealistic in her perspective on love, more physical and down to earth. Instinctively she knew something was now missing that had been there before, but it was so vague and illusive that she put it aside with her other previous concepts, attributing these to the immaturity of her past She felt she outlook. She became worldly- wise, married a wealthy man and genuinely felt she was in love, as she probably was on a somewhat lower level.

Her marriage did not work out and when it broke up she took to alcohol and later was involved in a car accident where her face was badly cut with flying glass. She is no longer glamorous, nor sought after as a model, but she has not gone to pieces and has her life in balance. She no longer drinks and is currently living a reasonably useful life in modest circumstances, raising three children. What the future holds is not yet revealed. Yes, she is a real person, as is the man in the first example, hence the absence of names.”

----- Quote from Rowena

I can assure you and her with 100% certainty she will be back by her own choice.

An interesting statement here Len. I must presume you know everything there is to know about your friend in her current and previous incarnations to make this assertion. You may indeed be correct in your assumption here, but I know you are aware that our planet is not the only one in our galaxy that cultivates life at (or around) our current collective level of development. We live in a universe[s] of the unknown, of opposites, of uncertainty, of dualism and so forth; can any of us be absolutely certain of anything, really?

So, when Gwineva says you “have to” come back until you find your Soulmate, it is not that you are forced...

Totally agree. We are never coerced/forced into anything as far as I understand.

... it is that eventually you get to the point that the longing for your other half becomes so great, and particular Lessons available to each of you together can only be learned at this frequency of existence, that your unclouded soul demands with an even greater urgency to return to find this Soulmate and experience finally what was missing so long in a place (here) that will be more forgiving of errors and initial failed first Lessons.

I understand the concept of finding one’s Soulmate, but I also agree with Gwineva’s comments about spending too much time on the contemplation of, and search for, this. For myself, I see the journey as something akin to two oscillating sine waves where, from time to time, they intersect and at other times are completely opposite one another - with every nuance in-between. My assumption is, that with time, the two will join completely in some way. I can’t honestly say as I’m not there yet.

Obedience, just like every other relationship virtue on my list, MUST be mutual. If every other virtue is followed by both parties, the question of obedience is an obvious one.

From what I can read of your definition Len, you seem to be describing respect. Are you endeavouring to describe the laws associated with cause and effect, enidvadew, fate, destiny, and so forth, because I would definitely agree that one will eventually obey these dictates?

I certainly can’t argue with Gwineva’s definition on Love, as I agree with it.

For myself, I liken it to the planting of a seed. Depending on the amount of attention, care and so on you give to it, depends on whether or not it reaches its full potential.

Unless her higher self in an altered state of consciousness lied to me, I feel pretty certain of my statement. Although, to clarify, I was referring more to the dimensional frequency of Earth, rather than Earth proper. Of course, all of us could be completely deluded by everything, but really, that line of thinking leads to something akin to a broken circle. While helpful in questioning ourselves, getting too caught up in it leads you no where in any endeavor.

I also agree with Gwineva's comments about spending too much time on the contemplation of, and search for, this.

I agree with your statement that the obsession over the search for a Soulmate is unhealthy, but I’ve been unable to locate this in Gwineva. Could you help?

From what I can read of your definition Len, you seem to be describing respect.

Nope, I mean obedience, although respect is a necessary prerequisite in the type of healthy obedience I’m describing. One gets, or is able to get, to a point in a loving relationship where both parties may simply tell each other what to do, without force, without selfishness, and in complete mutual harmony. As I said, it is never for one’s loss and the others gain. It comes from a point of selflessness. And the couple, at this stage, is so connected in thought and every other virtue I mentioned, that what is requested is complied with and done (with clarification if not understood). This takes a level of love and trust far beyond what most people allow for themselves, or in their relationships. In earlier ages, not even one hundred years ago, people wrote about, understood and lived this concept. It is very sad we have gotten to the point where so many people get up in arms about its mention, or are so confused by it, like it could only be a word meaning patriarchal control and domination. But, the state of relationships and their statistics today speak for themselves, so it is no wonder this concept is not understood, or met with defensive emotion…

It is not something, this type of healthy obedience I mention, that comes first in the development of the relationship, but in later stages. Attempting this in the beginning can lead to disaster. But just as one understands, trusts and obeys Law and God, so does one with their other half. Otherwise, one is truly at war with themselves if we are really to mean that the Soulmate is one’s other half. And if you can’t obey yourself, you are in a state of confusion and chaos…

I apologize, it is quite a difficult thing to describe if one has not been there. Our selfishness and egos and fear tend to get in the way, especially in this area of relationships. I’ll try to explain better if you are still not understanding…

Unless her higher self in an altered state of consciousness lied to me, I feel pretty certain of my statement.

Thanks for the clarification.

I was referring more to the dimensional frequency of Earth, rather than Earth proper.

These other systems do have a similar frequency, albeit not the same as Earth’s; nor is Earth’s exactly the same as theirs.

Of course, all of us could be completely deluded by everything, but really, that line of thinking leads to something akin to a broken circle. While helpful in questioning ourselves, getting too caught up in it leads you no where in any endeavor.

I would disagree with this inasmuch as such questionings should, in my opinion, allow the questioner to anchor his or her concept of reality to suit his or her understanding.

I agree with your statement that the obsession over the search for a Soulmate is unhealthy, but I've been unable to locate this in Gwineva. Could you help?

You will need to look outside the published material for the answer. Unfortunately, I do not remember where or when this information came to me (and others), so can’t be of too much help here. I suppose it would be the same if I tried to state where the concept of “question everything I, and others, say…” is housed within the greater teachings; I simply can’t.

I may indeed be very wrong here Len, but such beliefs (via the likes of Mentors and others in and out of the Culdians) have been with me for much of this journey; this incarnation.

Nope, I mean obedience, although respect is a necessary prerequisite in the type of healthy obedience I'm describing.

Thanks for the extended definition. Makes things so much clearer for me from whence you cometh (lol). I do understand the more archaic interpretation of obedience and, just to be clear on this, I do fully agree with it (although I thoroughly enjoyed Diane’s take on this one…).

Obedience, was more like pushing one of my buttons. Like a poke in the ribs to get me going if you know what I mean. :wink: Hopefully one day I’ll be far enough along that any one of my buttons could get pushed and there won’t be a reaction. Some call it a “trigger” word. I’ve managed to no longer react with many things, but that “obedience” word can be a hurdle. Good to know that it still bothers me, so lesson learned and I’ll have to work on it. I have a bit of spark and spice, but it tones down with wisdom, knowledge and age.

Now a shock is if I tell you something that goes against everything you think you know, or have been programmed to know. Like thinking about we once had 4 arms, 4 legs and 2 faces. :wink: You may deny it at first, call it crazy, but the seed of information was planted. If it makes you think and search for answers, then the shock was felt. A series of small shocks to the programing may cause you to have to re-think the whole program, wipe the slate clean as best you can, and input new, updated information. I don’t find this bad or a violation of ones free will to throw out little shocks every now and then. You can always blow them off, and stay in your program if you choose to. You could even just add to what you already know. Not saying anything is wrong with what anyone believes. If your mind is open you will search, if it’s not you won’t. Not a bad thing either way. Whatever works for you.

This is a good example of a shock… “You would not exist if someone didn’t “dream you up”. You literally are the “figments” of someone’s imagination, and nothing more!” Now some people would automatically flip out and defend their beliefs when confronted with a statement like that. Blow it off forever. File it under BS, and forget it. Another may examine the statement further and find some truth in it. I’m interested in the statement, and can see where a conscious mind had to have something to do with all the amazing things in the material world. So I add it to my program for future reference and move forward. I never believe anything on face value that I read.

Happy to be a source of enjoyment. I think ;). Could you explain to me the archaic interpretation of obedience that you agree with?

It might help here that it’s the word “obedience” that causes me concern and how it can be abused. I know I probably came off a bit harsh in my last post. Thing is that my husband doesn’t have to lift a finger to cook, clean, do laundry, shop, sew, program the TV, computer, or any of the “womanly” things at all. He doesn’t even have to take me out to dinner. In fact I’m the handy girl for all the appliances, clogged drains, painting, staining, etc. I have power tools! ;D, and no they’re not pink. Although I do have one little pink tool set. Other women say I spoil him. But by being who he is, he spoils me with his good heart.

He does the heavy work, and likes to ride the lawn mower in the summer, and the snow plow in the winter. I work 2 jobs, he works 2 jobs. But he finds the time everyday to sit and talk with me about how my day went. We share the books we read, thoughts and concerns about the world, faith, kids, pets, whatever. He never “goes out with the boys”, and “I never go out with the girls”. We never “forbid” each other not to do anything. We use to go out without each other, but you learn from experience that it’s not really the best thing to do if you want to stay in a good relationship. He rarely raises his voice, (really no need to), and I don’t have to either, (no need to). We both do silly little surprise things for each other. Today I picked him up a few little apple pies he likes. I can’t stand those things. :wink: gag. He’ll come home with a couple scratch off lottery tickets for me, or surprise me with a takeout pizza when I get home from work. I respect him very much, he respects me very much. We don’t always agree on everything, that’s what makes it all the more fun. But we hear each other out, and sometimes we even come to a grand agreement. I do enjoy a good discussion, so does he, and that’s how we met. Topic was politics, that ended up to be an all night discussion on life. Little did we know at the time it would be our lives we were talking about. We could answer each others sentences. It was a "wow"moment in time.

So do we obey each other? You could say that. I think it’s more respect, and an obedience of the laws of life between mates, and of all life. We both know without saying that we both have a line, and if you cross that line the end is near. If either of us behaved badly, the other would lose respect. Is everyday great? Kiddin, you should here me grumble under my breath when picking up the wet towels off the bathroom floor, or cleaning up his messes. :wink: In the end I smile and do it anyway. It would hurt me if I hurt him, and I believe it would hurt him if he hurt me. No, I know that. :wink: Soulmates? I guess the story goes is that you would know. I don’t know, so I guess not. But imagine the connection between the two…it could be explosive.

You really do have the concept of obedience down pat - from my perspective - Diane. The roles of the sexes, the roles of the members within a family unity, the roles of members within communities, all revolve around rules and regulations (Laws) and need to be followed in order to maintain, and even build upon, relationships; no matter what form these relationships take.

I agree, too, that perhaps the modern concept regarding this type of obedience would better fit the interpretation around respect; albeit being somewhat more than simple respect.

Yes, I understand this, which is why I used the term ‘dimensional frequency’. While Earth and Venus, for example, have different planetary frequencies, each exists in the same dimensional frequency spectrum band; namely, the material (stated thus for simplicities sake). As you are aware, we are awash in a multitude of different frequencies… but let’s not yet go too far down this rabbit hole, and save it for another day in order to avoid confusion for some of the readers here. This one needs to be taken slow… :wink:

The reason I ask is that I do remember reading this in the unpublished material, but it wasn’t from Gwineva or channeled information. Can’t recall from where presently.

And yes, I heartily agree that a certain kind of obsession over finding your Soulmate is unhealthy and potentially destructive to one’s relationship. Regardless of where this is in the Teachings, personal experience, or elsewhere, it is an important Lesson to learn for the health of ourselves and relationships.

Both pushing buttons and small shocks can have a similar effect, but you are correct, they are not the same thing. Glad to know that you are examining and overcoming hurdles, “trigger” words, and involuntary negative reactions to certain concepts. :slight_smile:

But whatever you do, don’t lose your spark and spice! Passion, emotion, and positive reactions are the stuff of Life and Growth; without which, we slowly die, not in the physical sense, but spiritually.

I do enjoy a good discussion, so does he, and that's how we met. Topic was politics, that ended up to be an all night discussion on life. Little did we know at the time it would be our lives we were talking about. We could answer each others sentences. It was a "wow"moment in time...

Soulmates? I guess the story goes is that you would know. I don’t know, so I guess not. But imagine the connection between the two…it could be explosive.

One of these days we’ll have to delve into politics then. That should really push some buttons and deliver some small shocks, huh? :wink:

And I do hope your husband joins us occasionally, as I’m sure we could learn much from each other…

Now, as to whether or not your husband is your Soulmate, that is not for me to say. But just because you don’t “know” does not mean he necessarily isn’t. We humans can quite often be rather slow and dense in coming to remember and realize such things. Regardless, you two seem to have a wonderful, harmonious relationship and are just right for each other in this life. Even if you are not Soulmates, the love and balance you have found is very special, and there is no doubt that you are meant to be with each other now as each of you are able to learn, grow, and love in a manner that wouldn’t have been possible had you not found each other.

And yes, the connection between two Soulmates is explosive! Think nuclear! Amazing, dangerous, and absolutely wonderful and mind blowing!

Here is some more info from the main site on Soulmates and Twinsouls:


Q. Is there such a thing as Soulmates?

A. This concept goes as far back as Ancient Egypt at least. However, the
modern concept of Soulmates is a devalued one which only barely accords
with the original teachings; modern social conditions and attitudes are
inhibiting its expression rather than propagating it. Soulmates are two
people who, through several incarnations, have become so emotionally
involved with each other that their destinies become completely entwined.
Contrary to popular belief they are not two people who have discovered
some form of all-embracing love which fulfils their lives and raises them
to some dizzy heights of emotion. Soulmates have to pass through tempering
fires and survive some very severe tests, the least of which are frustration,
disappointment, disillusionment, loneliness and even despair.

Q. Can one person have two Soulmates?

A. No, that is an impossibility and a contradiction in terms. For each person
who has even only partially passed along the incarnational way there is
only one true mate. There seems to be a lot of confusion in people’s mind
regarding Soulmates and Twinsouls. The link between the former has been
forged by love, while the latter are linked by compatibility. Life in
general, particularly in the initial incarnations, is much easier for
Twinsouls than for Soulmates.

Q. Can a person have more than one Twinsoul?

A. Yes, and there are also degrees of compatibility between Twinsouls. It is
not necessary for Twinsouls to make any effort towards compatibility, they
are just compatible, while Soulmates are continually being subjected to
adversity, frustration and temptation. The intention is that the love of
Soulmates be brought to a state of completeness. Twinsouls can incarnate
and meet in any relationship at all; Soulmates usually do so on a male/female
basis, although they may not necessarily meet in each incarnation.
However, when it applies to the necklace of incarnations the finding of
a Soulmate is essential."