Maori Tradition

Thanks Lance, yes we are doing well :slight_smile:

Yes very interesting what waitaha has to say about the maoriori also in relationship to the ones that came from Ur, waitaha say that the maorior and the Uru Kehu became one, waitaha also says that it was a women that lead the Maoriori here, she was searching for the Cord of life the navel of the world. Kiwa was of Uru kehu.

Waitaha say the maoriori came from the land of the great Turtle(South America)

So we got Kiwa of the Uru Kehu from the East(Ur) Joining as one in NZ with Hotu Matua of the maoriori from the West(South America)

‘And Kiwa brought his people to a new home’

Kiwa sailed out of the east to explore the water under the star of Rehua. He looked on the vastness of the surging ocean and his heart responded to the restless spirit of Tangaroa. And he voyaged towards the setting sun where the lands beyond the horizon whispered his name.

We are Uru Kehu and Kiwa was out first Pae Arahi, our greatTrail Maker.

Song of Waitaha - The Histories of A Nation

What i find interesting about Hotu Matua is her reason for coming here, waitaha says she came to find the birthing cord of the world, she found it here! I distinctly remember something similar in the kolbrin, can anyone help in finding were that verse is located?, i could be wrong but i am sure i saw something.

Interesting book relating the relationship between Maori and the ancient Aryan Language, quite revealing about the Maori past and his former environment, where he has memory of the the lion, and other things found on the other side of the world all found within the Maori language. A highly recommended read.

Quote from the author

I now proceed to assert —

  1. That the Maori is an Aryan.

  2. That his language and traditions prove him to

be the descendant of a pastoral people,
afterwards warlike and migratory.

  1. That his language has preserved, in an almost

inconceivable purity, the speech of his
Aryan forefathers, and compared witb
which the Greek and Latin tongues are
mere corruptions.

  1. That this language has embalmed the memory
    of animals, implements, &c., the actual
    sight of which has been lost to the Maori
    for centuries.

  2. That he left India about four thousand years


  1. That he has been in New Zealand almost as

long as that time.

To prove these bold assertions is my task in the
following chapters.

The Aryan Maori

by Edward Tregear

Good read, i am a descendant of the Urewera aboriginies spoken of in your quote.Today my tribe is known as Tuhoe who are a mix of the Ancestors of Mataatua, a waka of the great migration, and Nga Potiki the Aboriginies of the Urewera(as well as other aboriginie tribes ie Te Hapuoneone, Te Tini o Toi)Whose origins I shall go into a little more.

Before we move on it should be stated Nga Potiki(aboriginies)were not migrants from distance lands like those of the great migration, but were instead born in New Zealand from a union between two gods namely Te Maunga and Hinepukohurangi.From what I know the pakeha authors of the story I give were sometimes given false information as not to confuse his undeveloped mind of the tall tales told by natives.The story I give is the beginning of the urewera Aboriginies as told by my tipuna and recorded by Elsdon Best.(note Tutakangahau described in the link below is my 3xgreat grandfather who is pictured wearing the korowai)

In times long past away, when men held strange powers, and godlike beings dwelt on earth, there lived one Hine-pukohu-rangi. She was the personification of mist and fog. Hine-pukohu-rangi is said to have lured Te Maunga (the Mountain range) to earth at a place called Onini, which is on the line of road from Galatea to Waikare-moana, at Ruatahuna, on the left bank of the Mana-o-rongo stream, and opposite Te Kau-tawhero and Māna-tēpā. A clump of New Zealand flax, looked upon as being tapu, formerly marked the spot where Te Maunga came to earth.

From the union of the Mountain and the Mist Maiden sprang Potiki the First, who appears to have been an ordinary specimen of the genus homo, and from whom descended the tribe known as Nga-Potiki. Such is the origin of this people who have held the rugged forest wilds of Tuhoeland for many generations. They are the offspring of supernatural beings, of personifications of nature, sayeth the Maori. They have sprung from their own savage ranges, and from the white fog clouds which envelop them. They are begotten of Mother Nature. They are the Children of the Mist.

Next I give you the geneoalogy of the atua Hinepukohurangi mother of the Urewera aboriginie.The names in the top left hand corner are of most importance and should be taken note of as they include Hinepukohurangi and her famed ancestors.

Counting generations back from Potiki(human child of Hinepukohurangi) in the geneoalogy above we only have 12 ancestors.Now trying to explain the union of atua creating humans to a non maori is testing enough, having to explain that 12 generations before Potiki(Primary human ancestor of Nga Potiki) we start dealing with a primal parent of this universe in Ranginui is flat out insane.This is the same Ranginui who begat Tane, Tangaroa Tawhirimatea.The enormity in trying to grasp the concept of Nga Potiki and its spiritual origins and geneaology is expressed in the writings of author Elsdon Best.

Nga Potiki were of a peaceful nature although records of war were recorded.Hence there inability to thwart off attacks made by the migrants of Haiwaiiki, namely the Mataatua people whom the Nga Potiki went onto amalgamate with.It should be noted that unlike many of the other Aboriginies of New Zealand, Nga Potiki were not pushed to the brink of extinction, nor were they killed in great numbers.Instead the Mataatua migrant chose to marry the aboriginies, and to this day the majority of Nga Potiki aboriginie hapu and marae still exist with geneoalogy customs still intact and taught to children of learning age through song, geneaolgy geography etc.Infact one could show you the exact resting place of Te Maunga where he was lured to from heaven by the beauty of Hinepukohurangi.A simple drive is all thats needed to find this piece of history.

The importance of the Nga Potiki Aboriginie taught to their descendants lies in the story of Maui and his fish.The ancestral mountain of Nga Potiki(Tuhoe as there known today)Maungapohatu lies directly on the heart of the great fish, rendering the old aboriginies the kaitiaki of the heart of Te ika a Maui.Further teachings to our people explain that the fish of Maui can still exist if the head of the fish(Wellington)were to be destroyed, the same goes for Te hiku o te Ika(the tail, Far North)if destroyed the islands continue to exist.But if Te Manawa o Te Ika(The Heart, Maungapohatu)were for some reason destroyed, Aotearoa as we know it would cease to exist.

After reading the pakeha author and his opening statements about Nga Potiki in the link above, one would believe the descendants have no real sense or ideas of there history.Yet Elsdon Best goes onto write enough information about Nga Potiki to keep the reader studying its contents years of research to comb through.

Next I want to touch on the statement made by you on the fair haired people in your quote, not only did they exist there decsendants to this day are still walking around and are STILL clearly defined by their fine features and coloured hair.Separating them from others within our iwi is easily done through whakapapa and there affiliation with specific hapu who are mentioned in stories from pre european settlement as those of urukehu origin.The stories I mention clearly define a fair skinned people of coloured hair who partook in the normal activities of everyday life days of old.In fact my kuia resembled that of a urukehu, described by my ancestors to the nosey authors of the 19th century, whos geneaology can be traced back to the mythological natives.She being one of many I know to have inherited the finer features and coloured hair described in old tales told by my ancestors.Evidence of the existance of urukehu within my iwi can be found in the link below.

Take note of Matangaua described as urukehu(in above link)being of Ngai Te Riu hapu belonging to the Iwi Nga Potiki.The tribe whose origin isnt that of the migrants of Aotearoa, but whos origin was born in Aotearoa of divine pro creation as explained at the beginning of this korero.If one wishs to study the urukehu of Ngai Te Riu he would only have to visit one of the many marae belonging to Ngai Te Riu in my ancestral land.There he would see for himself living ancestors of the urukehu with described features on full display.It must be noted that Ngai Te Riu was a Aboriginie hapu of Nga Potiki which means its beginning is of pre migration times.Note I am of the Ngai Te Riu line through my kuia who I mentioned above.

Also the links I have left are accounts of stories told by my ancestors to pakeha authors, whom I am told by my elders were never fully trusted with the teachings of my people.If one wished to fully grasp our history hed have to immerse himself deep into everyday life of tuhoe culture.For the countless books left behind by pakeha merely scratch the surface of lore taught from the beginning of time.Although most of the information Ive read pertaining to my iwi is true, a lot of whakapapa is misplaced, place names and events mixed which is why such information from these books should be used as a guide.

After reading your history of aboriginie people and such I thought it be a good idea to share my history of my iwi and its aboriginie history.What intrigued me were your descriptions of urukehu being that of a myth, where in my hapu that knowledge flows through our veins taught to us with whakapapa from our ancestors, coupled with descendants who to this day still display the foreign features of those described in myth and legend.

Also i sensed a hint of disdain(maybe unintentional)for those of the great migration as the cause of lost history customs and culture of the placid Aboriginies.Luckily for the aboriginie of Aotearoa we were blessed with the might of the warriors of Hawaiiki.For without them I fear the placid nature of our aboriginies would have easily been overthrown and overtaken by the european settler and his musket as was the fate of the placid aboriginie of Australia.The resistance shown by our Hawaiiki line is the reason we still have our marae, our language, and our culture.The Treaty that united the Natives and The Crown(as useless as it seems to be)as we know it would be non existent, as would this conversation and any information pertaining to it.
The current knowledge of Waitaha or Nga Potiki history would have surely been but a memory of those gone before.

Id like to discuss further as Ive barely scratched the surface of this korero.When dealing with history I see its primary function as a key to answer questions of the future.

Kia ora e hoa

The disdain you sensed was from the author of the quotes lol, I whole hardheartedly agree, the deeper we can connect to our roots and identify them, the more water one can access…your post there was like a bell for me, a conformation. At the time of this i also meet an other person who’s whakapapa, went back to Persia.

On my Dads side Te rarawa up north (Tail of the Fish) we have a similar history, with amalgamated tribes, i think one of them is connected to your area, where kin to the ones that algamated with us?. I did have a few moments of jealousy lol, as you have obviously been brought up within your tribe and customs since early age, and have a firm understanding and foundation in which to work from, where i was not brought up within the culture to such a degree. I also agree about the treaty, as i see it, it puts us in a unique opportunity, it connects the old world with the new, the new law, with the old lore. By the treaty with the crown that lore is protected, tikanga etc. Looking forward to hearing your insights on this subject

Nga mihi


Happy Maori Luna new year lol

Ancient Maori Star Knowledge (I was reminded of the Egyptian boat of the dead, in regards to Matariki (orion constellation)

Interesting information, the death of the swamp lands, and the loss of them, reminds me of a place mentioned in the kolbrin, also the attributes of one’s mauri (energy life force), and its unseen presence, this info reminds me, the song of the snow, the song of the stars, the song of the tides, the song of the lakes, etc etc. And the amount of information within each basket section.

Good question, how do you restore something you can’t see?

Fascinating watch, and deeper insight


Interesting, in one of the Maori Legends, there is one about a Bird woman, i wonder if she was related to thoth?

Hatupatu and Kurungaituku
the Birdwoman

The Origin of Fire

In the foregoing recital we see that Rangi the Sky Parent carried fire-generating sticks suspended from his neck, and that the awanga o te poho or hollow seen in the breast bone of man is (The Origin of Fire> | NZETC)the result of that suspension. The fire generated with the appliance of the first parent is the sun that moves across the breast of the Sky Parent. Moreover volcanic and subterranean fire is said to have originated in the sparks that fell from the fire making implements of Rangi when manipulated by Tane. Both of these statements are of an unusual nature and must not be viewed as the origin myths pertaining to fire usually given by the Maori folk. The version usually given by the Maori is to the effect that fire was obtained from Mahuika, the personified form of fire and its guardian. We are told that Maui so obtained it for mankind, but in a number of recitals it is stated that, prior to applying to Mahuika, Maui extinguished all the fire in this world, so that fire was really acquired before Maui’s visit to Mahuika. A version of the myth collected from the Ngati-Awa tribe of the Bay of Plenty district is the most satisfactory version yet noted, and is also an interesting myth; it runs as follows:

The ultimate origin of the fire of this world was the sun above us, the sun that abides with his parent Rangi, the sun who hath two wives, the Summer Maid and the Winter Maid. Look at the fingers of man, they represent the fire that cooks food for man. Now Auahi-tu-roa (syn. Upoko-roa, personified form of comets) was the male offspring of Ra, the sun, and Ra said to Auahi-tu-roa: “Go, convey a boon to our descendants in the lower world, the world of life.” Auahi enquired: “In what form shall I take it?” Replied Ra: “Give your offspring fire; give the five of them; do not give them to the elder sister, but rather to the younger.” So it was that Auahi-tu-roa came down to earth and took to wife one Mahuika, younger sister of Hine-nui-te-po, and their offspring were the five Fire Children, whose names are those of the five fingers of the human hand.

The above link has interesting information on a plant that is closely related to the new Zealand Five finger Tree.

This relates too mosses/Maui and the Burning bush.