Maori Tradition

Understandable on all fronts. Congratulations to you both.

Thanks again Lance, what Martin has written has pulled at me as well.

In examining some of the dots.

The Zodiac and Its Signs

Among the ancients the sun was always symbolized by the figure and nature of the constellation through which it passed at the vernal equinox. For nearly the past 2,000 years the sun has crossed the equator at the vernal equinox in the constellation of Pisces (the Two Fishes). For the 2,160 years before that it crossed through the constellation of Aries (the Ram). Prior to that the vernal equinox was in the sign of Taurus (the Bull). It is probable that the form of the bull and the bull’s proclivities were assigned to this constellation because the bull was used by the ancients to plow the fields, and the season set aside for plowing and furrowing corresponded to the time at which the sun reached the segment of the heavens named Taurus.

Albert Pike describes the reverence which the Persians felt for this sign and the method of astrological symbolism in vogue among them, thus: "In Zoroaster’s cave of initiation, the Sun and Planets were represented, overhead, in gems and gold, as was also the Zodiac. The Sun appeared, emerging from the back of Taurus. " In the constellation of the Bull are also to be found the “Seven Sisters”–the sacred Pleiades–famous to Freemasonry as the Seven Stars at the upper end of the Sacred Ladder.


Early Maori/Freemasonry Connection expressed:

There are many general assertions that a system of signs identical with modern Freemasonry exists within the Maori society. The most precise account is a paper in the New Zealand Craftsman of 8 February 1898, by Brother Henry Stowell4, “being a Native of New Zealand on my grandmother’s side, she being an Aboriginal Native” 5.

The paper is quoted in its entirety6:

“The Maori in their traditions, fangitawhiti (epic poems), and language show conclusively that ages ago there was at Hawaiiki, a grand temple known as wharekura, at which temple meetings were regularly held and presided over by tohunga (priestly experts), or initiates of a very high order, and wherein was taught and practised a perfect system of principles in an esoteric form, with exhaustive and appropriate rituals, also symbols, signs, and passwords, and that these were kept and preserved on tables of stone, which latter were deposited in the temple. The ritual and symbols were entrusted by the ariki-ranji (divine and supreme head) to the various officers in order to properly carry out the ceremonials connected with these meetings, whereat only those others who were entitled to be present had the happiness of listening to the recitals, and of observing the uses of the higher symbols. Regarded from a Maori point of view this Masonry is neither more nor less than the relation of ‘the main features of creation and the origin and history of the higher destiny of man’, which relation was accompanied with appropriate symbols. Tane was the G.A.O.T.U., and he may or may not be identical with the Chaldean, Oannes. The language in which this wisdom religion was embodied is extremely archaic, but thanks to my having been taught in my youth, by an aged tohunga and relative, some of the symbols and mysteries, I understand many of the allusions and am acquainted with various signs. A knowledge of astronomy, being absolutely essential to a proper realisation of the principles of the order, and its adepts — tohunga-kokorangi — were constantly taught in observatories, its elements and phenomena, to those who were accepted for qualification.

Read more

No wonder the G in the freemansony symbol, reminds me of maui’s hook (Hei Matau) used in legend to fish up the north island.

For the Māori, the hei matau is taonga (a cultural treasure). It represents not only their land, but also prosperity, fertility and safe passage over water. They also denote the importance of fishing to Māori, and their relationship to Tangaroa god of the sea.

Being a fishing hook, reminds me of Jesus the fisher of men, what was his bait?, was it not his own blood?, the releasing of his own ignorance?

Maui in fishing up the north island is said to have blooded his own nose to use as bait, because his brothers would not share theirs, interesting connection?.āui

No bull Astrology by Tara Greene

In the Age of Taurus, 6,000 years ago, Bull’s were worshipped. Agriculture begun, and the Bull was the animal that enabled humanity to settle down from being nomadic. In Ancient Egypt they celebrated the festival of the Apis Bull for seven days. The scared bulls were paraded through the streets in a holy procession. Any child who smelled the breath of the Apis bulls were considered to receieve the ability to predict the future. The bulls themselves were considered oracles. Food was offered to the Apis bull while a question was asked, if the bull ate the food it was a good omen and if he rejected it that was considered bad. Yes Apis bulls and bees are related. Taurus was the sign, the constellation which heralded the Spring equinox in ancient Egypt, not Aries as we are accustomed to.

Listen to the People. Talking with an Extinct Race. Part 1

“There are about 2,000 Ngati Hotu left. I hope more will come forward when they read this story. Of my generation of our family, there are only four left – me, my brother and two sisters. There are 800 in our whanau. When the seven warrior waka arrived in New Zealand, my people were here. Our history says that our people first came to Aotearoa a long time back from what is now called Iran. If you go there today, the women still have moko, the black lips. Our people came here through Borneo.”

Monica jokes about her curved “Mediterranean” nose. Her mother taught her the Ngati Hotu language, a tongue that she says that is quite unlike Maori. Linguists have taken no note of this vital link with the ancient history of New Zealand. How could they, when Ngati Hotu were said to be extinct?

Maori and Egyptian Tattooing

Through the kindness of the Otago Witness, we are enabled to reproduce some pictures showing the similarity of the tattoo marks in some women in Assouan, Upper Egypt and the ordinary kauae or chin tattooing of Maori women. Figure 4 is a Maori woman, the other three are Egyptians. These sketches were made by Captain Robley, the well-known authority upon Maori art. Capt. Robley also found certain ornamental designs on Egyptian mummies, identical with Maori patterns.”

Taurus pulls at me personally as i was born in the center of Taurus, May the force(4th) be with you 1977, year of the serpent, so i see this year of the serpent very relevant to me, and i am anticipating the up coming influences of the serpent month (November-January), with comet Ison(eye son/mind,3rd eye?), about and expected to shine, it should be interesting.

Ophiuchus the serpent bearer

In contrast to Orion, it is in the period November–January (summer in the Southern Hemisphere, winter in the Northern Hemisphere) when Ophiuchus is in the daytime sky and thus not visible at most latitudes.

Enjoy the links :slight_smile:

Hello Ra, and congratulations on your new wee boy. I am enjoying reading your articles…Laraine :slight_smile:

Hello Laraine, and thank you, He is doing great.

Been enjoying the Culdian books/writings, look forward to sharing thoughts about it in relevant threads :slight_smile:

What is of interest for me is here, is the connection to Maori and the southern part of Sumeria, and Uru, known as Ur of the Chaldees.

Uru is the name of one of the homelands of the maori.



THE identification of the original home of the Polynesian race, to which the Maori of New Zealand belongs, is a matter that has long interested ethnologists. The unquestionably deep interest it has aroused has sprung from several sources. In the first place we know that the ancestors of the Maori have been the most daring and successful deep sea neolithic voyagers of whom we have any record. We know that they have, in past centuries, traversed the vast Pacific Ocean in their rude carvel-built craft in every direction. Knowing nought of compass or metals, they opened up the rolling sea roads, and crosshatched the Great Ocean of Kiwa with the wake of their swift gliding prau. Yet again we know that the Maori was in occupation of a greater portion of the surface of the earth than any other old-time race. We know that he was found in sole occupation of an area of 5,000 by 4,500 miles of the Pacific region, that he has still many colonies extant in Melanesia and Micronesia, and that faint echoes of his ancient speech are heard from far off Madagascar. To these causes of interest may be added that produced by the remarkable mentality of the Maori, and its manifestations and results. His many historical traditions, his spiritual concepts, his elaborate sacerdotal method of conserving and teaching esoteric knowledge, his systems of sociology, cosmogony, anthropogeny and mythology, all possess elements of deep interest to thinking minds. Above all, these institutions, usages, beliefs, arts, and other activities, tend to cast much light on the development of civilisation, the evolution of human culture.

And what of the Maori, the Polynesian himself? What sayeth the descendant of the courageous sea rovers who broke out the water trails from the ever loved homeland. We know that to the Maori, more so than to us, is it truly the hidden homeland. He tells us that that land lies far away to the west, or north-west, that his forbears steered for the rising sun when seeking new homes in the vast ocean. He speaks of that homeland as Hawaiki, as Atia, as Tawhiti, as Uru, as Irihia, as Mataora, and other less known names.

With regard to the land of Uru, from which the party of migrants came eastward to the hot land of Irihia, we can locate but one region of that name if we assume that Irihia is the Vrihia of ancient days. In the southern part of Sumeria, near the mouth of the Euphrates river, as then situated, existed about 2800 B.C. the flourishing state of Uru, known as Ur of the Chaldees to readers of the Scriptures. The correct form of this name is Uru, as given in Conder’s “Rise of Man.” Of this place the patron deity was Sin, the personified form of the moon, a name that calls to mind Sina, the widely known moon goddess of Polynesia. She is known as Hina to the Maori of New Zealand, where, as in ancient Egypt, the moon goddess is the patron deity of women, presiding over childbirth and the art of weaving.

The Hawaiian Polynesians have preserved a tradition of a land or region called Ulu-nui that lay adjacent to the old home of their ancestors. In our New Zealand dialect this name would appear as Uru-nui (Great Uru). It is not my intention to proclaim that the homeland of the Maori, that is to say of the Polynesian race, has been located, I merely draw attention to these interesting traditions and other data, and await further evidence. When we come to examine the institutions, myths, beliefs, concepts and ritual of the Maori, we shall find many analogies with those of southern Asia.

The late Judge Fenton, in his “Suggestions for a History of the Maori People,” considers that Ulunui refers to Ur of the Chaldees. The word uru in vernacular Maori speech means “west,” a significant and interesting fact, when we consider the relative positions of India and southern Sumeria.

The Polynesians maintain that their forbears ever sought the rising sun, the red road of Tane, the east, after leaving the homeland. And that is why their spirits flit westward when death releases them!

Hmmm interesting, the red road of Tane, reminds me of the yellow brick road, With Emerald city at the end, Pounamu the healing stone?

The Saga of Ancient Hebrew Explorers

Interestingly, ancient Maori traditions relate that since antiquity the Maoris have observed ceremonial and dietary laws very similar to those of the ancient Hebrews. They even kept the seventh day “Sabbath” as a day of rest! Also, every 7 times 7 years – or 49 years – they observed a Jubilee Year similar to that of the ancient Hebrews." These similarities simply cannot be explained away as “mere coincidence”! The Maoris, like the Hebrews, even had a “sacred month” given over to Harvest thanksgiving, corresponding to the Hebrew month of Tishri and the Festival of Tabernacles.

Very interesting the fact that these traditions were even observed here in the first place, as there is a lot of protocol regarding priestly knowledge for such observances to be observed properly, giving a clue to the people that my ancestors possibly were. The knowledge of such observances also has connections and relevance to aspects of the kabbalah system :slight_smile:

I think its getting a bit beyond the bounds of reality to imagine that the Maori are Hebrew. Genetically, Maori are from Taiwan.
Perhaps any resemblance to Hebrew tradition is either coincidental, or taken from NZ’s first inhabitants, who were insular Kelts that still had Israelite traditions.
Hebrew dietary law forbids the eating of human flesh, swine, and shellfish.
Maori show none of the physical traits of Hebrew descended peoples.
I could go on, but its quite boring as I’ve been down this track many times before with Maori, and other groups who want to lay claim to Hebrew Descent.
I did wonder if soon this wouldn’t come up.
A bit disappointing really.

I am sorry you are disappointed sha,ul, as for me i am excited, to learn more about my ancestors, because where ever the traditions came from, they are still the traditions of my ancestors, which tells me a great deal about them, the more i learn about them the more i learn about myself, which as a seeker is my ultimate quest, in that quest i have the need to discover my roots, my whakapapa, do you know how frustrating it is to have so many conflicting accounts of history, some say Maori are from Taiwan some say Iran, some say Scotland, some say India , some say American Indians, some say south Americas, some the land of the turtle, some say Aryan others Egypt and on and on it goes.

Please forgive me if my search for my roots and my quest to reveal them is quite boring to you.

I can not help what my ancestors where, and i am not to blame if they had the same traditions as your ancestors, but it appears that some of your ancestors traditions where not exclusively theirs. It is quite possible our ancestors had a common origin

Mr. R. J. Casey states that the ancestors of the Polynesians, in the dim past, came from Ur in Chaldea, the land of the two rivers, the Euphrates and the Tigris.1 That there is some link of connection between the Maori and Hebrew and Semitic race is suggested by the Jewish features seen in some of the Maoris. Taiaroa of Otakou, for instance, had a striking Jewish cast of features. Many of the Maori customs resemble Jewish practices. The law of utu, satisfaction or payment for an injury, “an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth” seems to compare with ancient Jewish traditions. Tapu, sacred, set apart or under restriction, is another resemblance.

Certain of the Maori customs remind one of the marriage customs described in the Old Testament. A comparison of the Jewish ceremonial law, as embodied in the Old Testament Scriptures, with the customs of the Maori people, presents many points of agreement.

The Rev. R. Taylor mentions some of the resemblances: “the younger brother taking his elder brother’s widow as a wife. The nearest male relation marrying the widow of the deceased husband who had no brother living, as Obed married Ruth; the elder brother caring for his sister as his right; the touching of food; God present in the whirlwind; all unclean who touched a corpse; the custom of betrothing infants, and the weeping and lamentation over the death of a friend.”

Watkin writes in his Journal, “When a New Zealander dies his wife is taken by his brother.” Many other resemblances could be mentioned. The Rev. Charles Creed mentions that a priest “is particularly interested in Christianity and compares the sacred history with their own traditions, remarking on the traditional events which seem analogous to those in the sacred volume.”

Kia ora Ra,
Mate, relly, its not that your search for your roots is boring to me, but we Jews are asailed almost it seems, by different groups claiming Hebrew descent, or saying that “they” are the “real” Jews, or that todays Jews, & Israelites, are not the “real one’s”. You’d be gobsmacked, of you knew, as I do from experience, how many times over a year I have to listen to somebody bang their gong abut theirs, or somebody else theory on the matter.
Now, if the Maori indeed have picked up some Hebrew tradition, it seems obvious to me that they picked it up while living under the mana of the Waitaha. And retained some of what they had picked up after they had ethnicly cleansed them from New Zealand.
As for your frustration, I can understand it bro, and if there is any way I can help, I will do my earnest best to do that for you.
But we Jews get a bit tired of others trying to jump into our Waka, when they have no real claim to their seat. We don’t mind sharing, but you have to become one of us first, so to speak, by conversion. Not that I know why anybody would want to do that, the Jewish path is demanding and takes a lot of personal sacrifice, and there are much easier roads one can take, with a lot less baggage attached to it.
The person who converts, and I have seen this, is treated like one of the family, but most often after a couple of years, they fall away. Which is why Rabbi’s wil turn a prospective convert away three times before accepting them for conversion courses. Its a lot of work to teach somebody the halacha ,the way of life and traditions , only to have them fall away, as well as the concern for the person involved, that they will for the rest of their lives have knowledge that they cannot unlearn, and this could be a negative thing as far as future bad conscience goes.
I would gibe a longer reply , but I have to split for work.
Love and light to you bro, and may the Supreme Spirit, guide you in your search.

Thank you sha’ul, Much Appreciated, I must say that the Supreme Spirit has guided well so far :slight_smile:

Respectfully my brother, you are way out of your depth regarding Maori History and the source of our traditions, this is evident in the ignorance shown in some of the statements that you have made regarding maori, what I have revealed on this thread is just the tip of the ice berg.

A lot of the traditions similar to Jews came from the Maori lost homeland of Hawaki, sure some came from Waitaha, and like I have provided info on before, Waitaha were made up of many people.

I think you fail to see the significance of what I have provided for all to see, I do not seek your approval to be who I am, the knowledge and tradition of my ancestors is mine by birthright, just like your knowledge and traditions is yours by birthright.

I can understand why my line of thinking would be such a threat to Jews, good gosh we cant have an other group of people claiming the same source as ours, way easier to throw up the entrenched defence for other groups claiming decent, yet this is a important point I would like to make, I am not claiming decent from Jews or Hebrews, I am claiming that its very possible that (Maori)traditions come from the same source(a significant difference), all I have to claim and learn is everything Maori, if that happens to include traditions and knowledge that one group of people thought was exclusively theirs, then so be it, it is what it is.

I almost feel like in following my roots, reminds me of the eternal well/Spring of David, the deeper I go, the closer I get to the source, the fresher the water taste, the more my spirit is refreshed.

There are many more aspect of my research that will reveal a lot regarding many subjects of interest , I look forward to sharing more in due time.

Shalom sha’ul

May the force be with you!


Ra, its not a threat, I’m not threatened, just tired of hearing the beat of this same drum, and not only from you.
I don’t claim to be any great sage on Maori tradition, which is not my spiritual path, so I’m not as you say, out of my depths, as I’m not trying to teach you about the origins of your people.
Maori need to face up to what they did to the Waitaha, and other groups that were here before them, like some kind of repentance, or admission of the treachery committed, against those who even according to your own legend, took your ancestors under their wing.
That is, in my opinion, why Maori feel so disenfranchised, because as a whole, they have invented a lot of their history, borrowed some from others, and swept probably the most important aspects under the carpet out of shame, with help from the NZ government of course.
You know what I’m talking about.
You are the first brave Maori I have met, who is honest and seeking the “real” truth of the past, but in what you will find, you may also find guilt and shame, never dealt with, that hangs about your peoples necks like a stone.
A lot of Pakeha sense this guilt in the Maori national spirit, but misinterpret it as an untrustworthy character trait, which is blatantly wrong, as there are, and have always been, many trustworthy and honourable Maori.
You being one ehoa.
This is something I’ve wanted to put forward, it comes from the heart, and is supposed to get you thinking about the Karma Maori have brought upon themselves, for what they did, and their inability to face up to the guilt, and be released from the national shame , and karmic cycle, that still bedevils them today, as we can see in the crime stats, family violence stats, and poverty stats.
I respect you, and I wish you all G-d speed, in finding that which you seek.
Written with love, respect.

Hi Ra,
Where is the comment you posted regarding somebodies theory that the current Jewish inhabitants of Israel, are not really genetically related to the ancient Hebrew ?
It was this comment, that got me so fired up in the first place.
Hence my comment about being bored with the topic, and tired of hearing the same old drum beating.
My comments kind of look out of context now that the post is no longer there.

Love and light.

Hi friend, It only looks out of context because the comment and link you are referring too, is on a other thread :slight_smile:

I understand sha’ul, and I hold nothing personally, thanks for sharing your knowledge and being you

Love and Light

Interesting relationships between the Babylonian and Maori moon god

With regard to the land of Uru, from which the party of migrants came eastward to the hot land of Irihia, we can locate but one region of that name if we assume that Irihia is the Vrihia of ancient days. In the southern part of Sumeria, near the mouth of the Euphrates river, as then situated, existed about 2800 B.C. the flourishing state of Uru, known as Ur of the Chaldees to readers of the Scriptures. The correct form of this name is Uru, as given in Conder’s “Rise of Man.” Of this place the patron deity was Sin, the personified form of the moon, a name that calls to mind Sina, the widely known moon goddess of Polynesia. She is known as Hina to the Maori of New Zealand, where, as in ancient Egypt, the moon goddess is the patron deity of women, presiding over childbirth and the art of weaving.

The Hawaiian Polynesians have preserved a tradition of a land or region called Ulu-nui that lay adjacent to the old home of their ancestors. In our New Zealand dialect this name would appear as Uru-nui (Great Uru). It is not my intention to proclaim that the homeland of the Maori, that is to say of the Polynesian race, has been located, I merely draw attention to these interesting traditions and other data, and await further evidence. When we come to examine the institutions, myths, beliefs, concepts and ritual of the Maori, we shall find many analogies with those of southern Asia.,_No._125/Origin_of_the_Maori._The_hidden_homeland_of_the_Maori,_and_its_probable_location,_by_Elsdon_Best,_p_10-20/p1

I think the moon is a under rated factor that can make a big difference in our everyday life, just by being aware of some of the principles associated with the moon and how it effects our lives. Personally within my own life and family I have introduced a Technology free day, approximately every 7 days in relation to the moon phases, these days are days we try within reason to be self efficient and not use power tools such as computers and electrical devices etc, it serves multiple purposes, 1 creates a awareness of the moon and its cycles a good chance to study cause and effect, 2, prepares our family for natural disasters, return of destroyer etc, by keeping us prepared and self efficient, and 3 its a good way to get my children off their devices, and have found we do a lot more things as a family on these days, like playing monopoly going for walks etc.

Some of the traditions relating to the moon as practiced by Waitaha

‘Some follow the Sun, but our lives are tied to the Tides of the Moon’

We wait upon the tides. The tides within us and the tides outside. We wait upon Marama; we wait upon the Moon. we count our lives in nights while others count theirs in days, for we follow the track of the Moon not the track of the Sun. We move with Marama not Te Ra.

The Tides of Life flow from marama. He reaches out from the heavens to touch the seas to make them rise and fall. he urges the long rivers to flow across the vastness of the two oceans and calls for the sap to rise within the tall trees of the forests.

And the tides within us ebb and flow. the seed tides of women and men surge to the power of Marama. The fullness of the Moon release great energy and we plant and build, fish and hunt, learn and teach and think and act as at no other time. And when he wanes we draw into ourselves to plan the things we will accomplish in the returning light.

Song of Waitaha
The Historys of a Nation
pg 67

Found some common themes in regards to the whirlpool and the Great River. How common are these Whirlpools?

We sailed with a large company towards the West and had nothing to fear, except the whirlpool, for the Red Men with us knew the way of the waters. For long days we saw only the sea, and the landsighting birds all came back.

We went out through the mouth of the sea into the sea of the Great River. Past the lands of white copper to the Place of Painted Men, where we drew up the ship and staked them.

Chapter Twelve
(The Rolls of Record -6)
verse 11 - 12
The book of the sons of fire

The mention of the whirlpool is of interest to me as it resonates with the waitaha ‘octopus’, this too was a thing to be feared.

Long Tentacles Reach Across the Ocean

‘And now we come to the dreaded place, the waters of the Octopus’

We tend the sail and enjoy the calmer waters of the dolphin. And we think ahead to the dangers of the trial. Three times we will close in the lair of the Octopus before our journey is done. Te Rangihouhia feels the song of the sea running through the great steering oar and looks to the carved taurapa and sees we near our first encounter with the long tentacles that seek to drag us to the deeps. Constantly scanning the waters he searches for Muturangi, the keeper of the thirty six houses of the heavens. He lives on the horizons and the Octopus is his Mokai, his chosen one. The lair of the Octopus is Te Wheke o Muturangi, ‘the end of the sky’ where the waters rise in exultation to greet the stars. It is an awesome place.

The Octopus is born of mighty parents; two powerful rivers, ancient and irresistible tides that meet and mate to create a terrifying whirlpool with eight arms radiating out as far as the eye can see. It is not a creature. It is a place of turmoil where the great currents contend to bring disaster to the unwary.

Song of Waitaha
Traditions of a Nation
pg 75

Some interesting similarity’s, again demonstrating the Sumerian connection to new Zealand.

Of interest is also the mention of the serpent and eagle worship, which is mentioned several times in the kolbrin.

URU-The Lost Civilisation of Australia
Excerpts From The Book-Chapter 12
Gods Of The South-Culture Founders Of The Stone-Age

The Sun-Worship Serpent and Eagle altars of Australia [ie Nim and I-na] parallel others in Melanesia also associated with Sun-Worship. In all ancient Sun-Worship religions the Eagle was the messenger of the Sun God, and so it was also with the Uruans. The Serpent and Eagle Sun-Worship symbolism is found across New Guinea in one form or another. In Papua New Guinea a giant-size stone altar carved in the form of a snake is reminiscent of others in the Shouten Islands, Biem area, where the natives worship a Sun-God in the form of a snake called by them ‘Uruan’.

Here to is a other great link, connecting ancient maori history to India and the sumerian city of Ur.


It is not my intention to proclaim that the homeland of the Maori, that is to say of the Polynesian race, has been located, I merely draw attention to these interesting traditions and other data, and await further evidence.

All very interesting stuff here Ra. Had not heard any of this, so all very new. Indeed, I await further evidence with interest.

Thank you for these posts.

Your welcome lance and Hi.

That paper was written in 1923, you would think somebody would have picked up this line of research and run with it, there is a lot of evidence out there, also a lot that is circumstantial, one just has to know where to look :wink:

Now this is a interesting link, a women who claims her tribe came from Iran, just around the corner to ancient Babylon, but here before the arrival of the 7 waka.

According to Monica, there are approximately 2,000 Ngati Hotu left, although there has been speculation that they were an extinct race - which Monica laughs at. “There are 800 in our whanau. When the seven warrior waka arrived in New Zealand, my people were here. Our history says that our people first came to Aotearoa a long time back from what is now called Iran

Hi to you and yours, my friend. I do hope you and the family are all well.

There is indeed a lot of diverse evidence out there purporting the origins of Maori. There are those of my own who say we come from South America via Easter Island and then downward to New Zealand. This, though, could quite easily relate itself into your last four posts as I am sure movements of Maori were pretty widespread and, apparently, not at all uncommon.

An interesting story Monica has related. Very similar to the story my brother’s ex partner relates regarding her Mori ori whakapapa.