Well Rex, if we are to believe The Kolbrin, the Destroyer seems not to be the sun, or some kind of solar eruption…
“He (Habaris) taught them the mysteries concerning the wheel of the year and divided the year into a Summer half and a Winter half, with a great year circle of fifty-two years, a hundred and four of which was THE CIRCLE of The Destroyer.†– THE KOLBRIN – The Book of Creation, Chapter Seven, Page 20
The above quote implies a PRECISE TIMING of the Destroyer marked by an orbit (circle). To continue:
“In olden times there were spawned great monsters and beasts in fearful form, with frightful gnashing teeth and long ripping claws; an elephant was but a rat in comparison with them. Then, because of heavenly rebellion and turmoil, and the terror overwhelming the hearts of men, The Great One hardened the face of the land, which had become unstable, and the beasts were changed to stone. This was beforetimes, when the Destroyer still slumbered in the UPPER VAULTS OF HEAVEN.†– THE KOLBRIN – The Book of Gleanings, Chapter Three, Page 35
This next quote tells of a time when the Destroyer did not reach Earth, but was in the “upper vaults of Heaven†(beyond this solar system/ outer space). If it was a regular sun cycle, it would not have appeared only twice, as the Kolbrin claims:
“Four times the stars have moved to new positions and twice the sun has changed the direction of his journey. Twice the Destroyer has struck Earth and three times the Heavens have opened and shut. Twice the land has been swept clean by water.†– THE KOLBRIN – The Book of Manuscripts, Chapter Thirty-Three, Page 215
Make of the above what you will…
*Personal note and edit-- Quite after the fact of writing this post, I have been corrected by a very aware and clearheaded Kolbrin student that the Destroyer may have appeared more than twice. I mistakenly claimed above that the Kolbrin said that the Destroyer only “appeared” twice. In fact, as we read in the final quote I posted here, the Destroyer “struck” Earth twice, not “appeared” twice. It should be noted that the Kolbrin infers, and it is my opinion, that the Destroyer has “appeared” many times, without “striking”. This was an oversight on my part, and should be noted as such.